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Itai (ee-tai) is a biblical name. Itai was one of King David's army Generals. He was not Jewish, but rather a Philistine (plishti - an ancient people that lived in the land of Israel.) from the city of Gath, next to Ashkelon. Can also be written: Etay, Itay, Ytai, Etai, or Eatai. The name translates loosely as "friendly."

In recent years it is also a common name for boys in Israel.

[edit] Itai

Itai is a Shona name, pronounced ("ee-ta-i"). It is usually a boy's name depending on the actual spelling used. For boys it is usually spelt "Itai" and for girls it is spelt 'Itayi". There is not much general difference in the two but a slight heaviness in the female version to emphasise the "y". But in the popular teenage culture of Zimbabwe this slight diference is often ignored.

The word itself loosely translates to "will" or "do as you/we please". Exact meaning is subjective, positive or negetive. The First, positive, meaning is that of a proud person/family with free will. The second, negative, meaning is that of a persecuted person/family surrendering their will to their persecutor. Whether the first or the second meaning is implied is usually dictated by a person's family background. Those born into good fortune usually bear the positive whilst those born into poverty usually bear the negative.