
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

אײנדריִיעט פזאַריש, Андриет Псариш, Aნდრიეთ ფაღიშ
Mião! Pedantzkanzler of the Holy Confederate Reich of Macao and Tokelau
Mião! Pedantzkanzler of the Holy Confederate Reich of Macao and Tokelau
Order: 917th Pedantskanzler
Terms of Office: October 22, 1994
Preceded by: The Incredible Speaking Aubergine
Place of Birth: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Profession: Playwright
Political Party: Liberal Democrats

[edit] Tö cos'è?

Hogy működik ez a ketyere?
Me This user surprisingly has an appreciation society, who intend to impose Icelandic as the official language of Wikipedia. Well, not really, although that would be cool.
This user is in the middle of the Beck Project, an attempt to provide descriptions of every Beck single, as well as specifically important non-singles. It's a labour of love.
g_< This user detests all varieties of SAMPA.
This user is an anarcho-communist, and detests this regressive societal system, in which people spend the majority of their lives slaving away for the sake of enriching fatcats.
This user is an active feminist and is disgusted by the institutional bigotry against women evident in many Western countries.
Uniò This user would prefer a world without borders separating its people, but until then, supports the right for any people to govern themselves.
NBP This user believes that Christian fundamentalists should read the New Testament once in a while.
INFJ This user's MBTI type is INFJ.
This user is a Geminian.
This user supports Scottish independence.
Kindness Campaign This user is a member of the Kindness Campaign.
This user supports the New Democratic Party
This user enjoys psychedelic rock.
This user is an anti-consumerist.
Pi This user's favourite colour is pink.
ישיבה This user is a Yeshiva / Kollel / Seminary student.
AvPD This user suffers from avoidant personality disorder.
This user supports gender equality.
This user's favourite subject is Latin.

This user supports the European Union.
This user advocates pacifism.
S This user is interested in sociocracy.
1+1=3 This user dislikes
narrow-minded behaviour.
? This user follows his/her own political ideals.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user is reconstructionist Jewish, but keeps in line with most Jewish traditions, such as eating no schweinfleisch, and going to the cinema at Christmas
This user never drops Rs
This user is more than happy to retain their "personality disorder(s)" and delights in telling their mental health professional to screw off.
IQ This user's Intelligence Quotient is 152.
This user frequently experiences déjà vu.
SYN This user is a synaesthete.
According to the Political Compass this user is:
Economic Left (-9.67) and
Social Libertarian (-8.35)
Frasier Hello caller, this user is a fan of Frasier. I'm listening...
Blue This user enjoys blues music.
This user believes in a revival of a modified form of romantic friendship.
This user supports independence for Northern Ireland
This user catches mormons for a living.
This user has an alto vocal range.
This user has depression.
This user is of German and Jewish descent.
This user observes the dietary laws of Kashrut.
This user enjoys reading poetry.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X

left This user is left-handed and therefore assumed to be immortal.
This user is an ally of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans community.
snuk This user says snuck.
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
2 000 This user has over 2 000 edits on the English Wikipedia.
This user listens to Goa and psytrance.
SEIN This user is obsessed with Seinfeld .. not that there's anything wrong with that!

This user is interested in the history of the Cold War.
This user thinks Family Guy is freakin' sweet.
bnj-3 This user is an advanced banjo player.
harm-3 This user is an advanced harmonica player.
bass-3 This user is an advanced double bassist.
voc-3 This user is an advanced singer.
cel-2 This user is an intermediate cellist.
gtr-2 This user is an intermediate guitarist.
This user enjoys writing.
This user was born as the result of population transfer in the Soviet Union.
This user is a linguist.
Indies This user is a huge fan of small films.
ND This user voted for Pedro.
Newspaper This user reads The Washington Post.
FZ This user listens to Frank Zappa.
NIRVANA The sun has gone
but this user has a light.
This user does not wish to be male.
This user is nocturnal.
ind This user is politically independent.
This user has bipolar disorder Type I.

Hi, I'm ['ɑ̃ndʁiːe̝t 'Psɑːʁɪʃ] (which I'm adding mostly out of intrigue for those boxes,) an obscure playwright, experimental musician, and traveller living near Birmingham, in England, although I have spent quite a lot of time on the road, in a range of other places. I have been contributing to, and have been enjoying the quality of, Wikipedia for the last few years. I did not, until May '05, think of registering.


I translate from french to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I translate and proofread from french to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I translate from Italian to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I translate and proofread from Italian to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I translate and proofread from Portuguese to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I translate from Spanish to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I translate and proofread from Spanish to English on Wikipedia:Translation

I have submitted quite a few articles in the past, specifically about Birmingham's suburbs, European politics, languages and the like. Over here I also correct a lot of failures of grammar, down-and-out ones, rather than stylistic ones; I think that it is a shame when people do not know their own language. I do a lot of copyediting, some of which worsens my mental health, and I also do translations when I can get my mitts on them first. I am currently in the middle of making lots of spoken articles, for whatever there is a demand for, or whatever catches my eye. I am trying to eradicate the incorrect use of 'Brazillian' instead of 'Brazilian' on the Pædia, and also, I am also starting what will be a long and hard campaign to get rid of every instance where 'it's' is used incorrectly instead of 'its.' Also, I'm currently adding images to every magazine in Category:Women's Magazines where available, and adding to them where appropriate. I love to spend hours cruising Wikipedia for new things. I never knew, until WP, for instance, that there used to be a country in between Belgium, Holland and Germany: Moresnet, which could have become the first Esperanto state. (Amazing!) It's amazing what one can find by randomly clicking. My passions in life are never waking up in the same country three days in a row, poetry, knowledge and languages; I totally agree with the old Spanish saying that to speak another language is to have another soul. As well as being a native speaker of English, I was a very odd child, (not much changes), and at the age of 4 or 5, I compelled my elderly grandfather to teach Old English to me, which I have spoken for nearly twenty years now. But, as they used to say before the Normans came, se ðe gelíþ raðe hé hamacgaþ. I have learnt many more languages over the years, whenever I got the possibility in fact. I am currently looking to learn a Central Asian language, such as Tajik, as I'm considering moving there. After that, the next language that I wish to learn is either Burmese, Estonian, or one of the native Mexican languages; these fascinate me.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
ang Þes brūcere is gecynde Englisc sprecere.
en-us-mn This user can speak Minnesotan.
er Dieser gebruiker tiene Europanto comme mothersprache.
q!-3 This user is a fluent speaker of Patent nonsense.
... This user would like to know oodles more languages.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
sco-3 This uiser can contreibute wi a heich level o Scots.
fr-3 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un italiano di livello intermedio.
la-2 Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
yi-2 דער באַניצער איז אַ װײַטהאַלטער פֿון ייִדיש.
af-2 Hierdie gebruiker het 'n gemiddelde begrip van Afrikaans.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
pt-2 Este usuário pode contribuir com um nível médio de português.
ca-1 Aquest usuari pot contribuir amb un nivell bàsic de català.
da-1 Denne bruger har et grundlæggende kendskab til dansk.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker bezit elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
li-1 Deze gebroeker haet 'n baziskinnes van 't Limburgs.
lt-1 Šis vartotojas gali prisidėti prie projekto pradedančio lygio Lietuvių kalba.
pl-1 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
wa-1 Cist uzeu chal pout contribouwer avou on livea fwebe e walon.
vi-1 Thành viên này sử dụng tiếng Việt với trình độ cơ bản.
Search user languages

[edit] are you serious with the it's thing?

I guess so: I confess to have once gone around town with a gaggle of people tip-exxing out false apostrophes. Well, it's a simple rule to distinguish 'its' and 'it's', and one that seems to be taught to no one. I think that most of you know it, though, here at Wikipedia, but I will explain (to add to my posterity :S.) Its is always the genitive, the possessive case which is an equivalent to your or Michael/'s/. It's is the bastardised version of 'it is', whose point I can see, although it complicates things for many people. (I cannot, however, see the point of couldn't, didn't and the like, which do not lessen the number of syllables and sound rather... lisping.) Now, many people mess the distinction up, because they are used to thinking that that if it belongs to someone then it must be 's. No. When it is a genitive pronoun (which relates to a specific person or thing), there is Never an 's. There is no 's on my or your or theirs; why should there be one with its?

[edit] Non-linguistic philosophy

  • Which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary. - Hillel
  • A carnation is only as good as its petals - Làà
  • I want to defy the logic of all sex laws - Beck
  • Man hands on misery to man - Philip Larkin
  • Mensch muß noch Chaos in sich haben, um tanzende Sterne gebären zu können. - Nietzsche

Although I am rather influenced morality-wise by my liberal Jewish roots, my philosophy to life is rather Nietzschean and existentialist, above all else. Although roots and identity are important, I feel that there is a danger in identifying oneself mainly as a cog in a group. If what you are is a label, then you will live life according to someone else's rules, other than yours. Life, to me, is too short to be spent in an office, paying mortgages, slogging through shops, living in the backwash town in which they were born. It amazes me how many people will be nothing in life but non-notable drones, contributing nothing but tax money to the greater consciousness.

I detest capitalism, because it sells what we would call in Barią 'ombrācua', trite, purchasable dreams. The greatest present is one's own free will. Taking the executive decision, to climb the mountain and sit above the 55$-parade beneath, taking the opportunity to continuously explore this kaleidoscope of a world, is difficult, since society is structured in such a way to make it thus, and the yoke of money makes it even harder. We are all brought up, barraged with descriptions and norms, and, being as we humans are pack animals, we all fear lack of acceptance, and this ties down our free will. What is more: in the past, those who deviated from mental slavery were called heretics, or witches. To-day, they are similarly demeaned, given a startling array of psychological labels, and pills to make them 'normal.' Fermanagh Steve, when he and I spoke up in Liverpool in a queer old house, said that 'genius does not often come without "madness,"' and I tend to agree with him. Perfect sanity in psychology is 'fitting in[to]' a monochrome world, settling down, culling mad dreams. That, to me, is the anathæma to sanity. Add up the number of hours, days, years, that you have spent doing things that you did not want to do, and it's frightening to see how difficult it is to do what you yourself want.

To me, the only things that are truly 'evil' are the imposition of one person's will over another without a considerable obligation to do so (i.e. to stop them from imposing on a third person's will in an objectively more severe manner.) I am vehemently opposed to censorship, since there should be no bars on knowledge. However, I am strongly opposed to pornography, not only on feminist grounds, but also because I find that it is not a victimless indulgence; it contributes to a society based upon self-satisfaction; and a pornographised society unfortunately makes many either be sexual playthings, or face solitude.

The state of Missouri recently voted affirmedly for Psarisch against opponent Michael 'Toilet Brush' Robespierre. This provides a mandate for another 8 years of terror, I mean, a golden age of reason and love.
The state of Missouri recently voted affirmedly for Psarisch against opponent Michael 'Toilet Brush' Robespierre. This provides a mandate for another 8 years of terror, I mean, a golden age of reason and love.
One of the most damaging traits in man is the willingness to let what one has heard be one's rationale, rather than experiencing and judging for oneself. This is exasperated in this age of pundits and experts. I remember that my grandmother used to think that nowhere but Birmingham and her home town in Ireland were safe, because she was constantly barraged by a news-media all too eager to poke their fingers into corpses. When London was bombed, a young (now former) acquaintance of mine was rather histrionic, saying that xe felt unsafe to go out. I replied that if terrorism results in paranoia and mistrust of one's fellow people, it has succeeded. Aside from the application of common sense, no prejudgement should ever be the replacement of experience and personal discovery.

[edit] Recent contributions or large changes

I've written on a bunch of weird things, mostly demanded articles. I'm trying to fill in the gaps of our 'Human Rights' collection of articles, too. None of these are anywhere close to being magna opera, but they're some contribution, at least. The ones in bold are the more decent looking.

I also do a lot of removing "it's" where "its" should be, and vice versa. For this, I was really kindly rewarded the minor barnstar.

The Minor Barnstar
A Barnstar for doing minor edits of excellent quality, helping the Wikipedia community understand that It's-is-not-a-genitive. -Ambuj Saxena (talk) 13:57, 1 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] A treasury of links that I found interesting, but you probably will not

Where I have attempted putsche (as of 11/06). Because I'm liable to wake up and say 'I'm building a yacht out of MDF and going to São Tomé, by hook or crook,' don't take the blue as a definitive list.      I've visited these places many times, or lived in them.)      I have visited or lived in these places once.)      I have almost unavoidable plans of visiting or living in these places within the next 18 months.)      I have never visited or lived in these places, although I would like to.
Where I have attempted putsche (as of 11/06). Because I'm liable to wake up and say 'I'm building a yacht out of MDF and going to São Tomé, by hook or crook,' don't take the blue as a definitive list.      I've visited these places many times, or lived in them.)      I have visited or lived in these places once.)      I have almost unavoidable plans of visiting or living in these places within the next 18 months.)      I have never visited or lived in these places, although I would like to.
No diré nada.
No diré nada.

[edit] My view on copyright.


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