Israeli Ministry of Interior

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v  d  e

The Ministry of Interior in the State of Israel is one of Government offices that is responsible for local rule, citizenship and residency, identity cards (Hebrew: teudat zehut), and entry visas.

The Interior Ministry is often seen as a source of patronage for religious parties.


[edit] Responsibility Fields

  • Providing citizenship and [permanent resident] status.
  • Issuing of entry visas and staying visas in the country.
  • Inhabitants administration: personal registerations.
    • Issuing of [identity card].
    • Personal registerations such as birth, marriage etc.
  • Licensing the ownership of firearms.
  • Local government, city councils and local councils supervision.
  • Elections.
  • Fire fighting and Rescuing comissionership and emergency services.
  • Associations.
  • Planning and building supervising.

[edit] Staff Wings

The Administration for Local Government and Administration

  • Administration for Budgeting and Developing in the Local Authorities.
  • Wing for Inspection in the Local Authorities.
  • Administration of Planning.
  • Administration of Population.
  • Administration for Emergency Services and Special Tasks.
  • Commissionership of Fire-Fighting and Rescuing.
  • National Elections' Supervisor.
  • National Unit for Building Supervising.
  • Administraion of Water.

[edit] Importance

The duty of the interior minister has been always a desirable duty in every government in the history of Israel, and the reason for that is that the Ministry of Interior has many authorities and much intensirt, particularly in designing the figure of the State of Israel.

Responsible for the population administration, the Ministry of Interior responsible for the personality registerations and dcides who can immigrate to Israel in the framework of the [Rule of Return], and who can become a citizen in the framework of the Rule of Citizenship. In addition, the Ministry of Interior controls the status of permanent residents and issues visas to foreign workers.

Due to that, and due to its authorities in the subjects of religion and state, the Ministry of Interior has became the main destination of parties whose platform has a main part with these subjects {NRP, Shas, Israel Ba-Aliya, Shinui) that see the Ministry of Interior a target and an excellent implement for executing their ideological outlooks in those subjects.

For the last years the Ministry of Interior has been criticized for arbitrary policies regarding foreign guest workers and Jewish converts. Interior bureaucrats are often accused of ignoring rulings by other state agencies and refusing to register converts as Jews. It has also been criticized by gun owners, firearms dealers and shooting clubs for arbitrary restrictive measures in restricting law-abiding citizens in owning firearms, while criminals continue to ignore gun laws.

In addition, The Ministry of Interior supervises all the local councils and due to that it has the power to appoint many workmen. A part of the Interior ministers used that for appointing faithful men and giving jobs to the party center.

[edit] List of Interior Ministers

Name Period of service as an Interior Minister Party
Yitzhak Grinbeum 14.5.1948-10.3.1949 wasn't a pm
Hayim Moshe Shapira 10.3.1949-24.12.1952 Eastern Worker
Israel Rokah 24.12.1952-29.6.1955 General Zionists
Hayim Moshe Shapira 29.6.1955-3.11.1955 Eastern Worker
Israel Bar-Yehuda 3.11.1955-17.12.1959 Labor Unity
Hayim Moshe Shapira 17.12.1959-16.7.1970 NRP
Golda Meir 16.7.1970-1.9.1970 Alignment
Dr Yosef Burg 1.9.1970-3.6.1974 NRP
Shlomo Halel 3.6.1974-29.10.1974 Labour Alignment
Dr Yosef Burg 29.10.1974-22.12.1976 NRP
Shlomo Halel 16.1.1977-20.6.1977 Labour Alignment
Dr Yosef Burg 20.6.1977-13.9.1984 NRP
Shimon Peres 13.9.1984-24.12.1984 Labour Alignment
Rabbi Yitzhak Peretz 24.12.1984-6.1.1987 Shas
Yitzhak Shamir 6.1.1987-22.12.1988 Likud
Rabbi Aryeh Deri 22.12.1988-11.5.1993 Shas
Rabbi Aryeh Deri 22.12.1988-11.5.1993 Shas
Yitzhak Rabin 11.5.1993-7.6.1993 Labour
Rabbi Aryeh Deri 7.6.1993-14.9.1993 Shas
Yitzhak Rabin 14.9.1993-27.2.1995 Labour
Uzi Baraam 27.2.1995-7.6.1995 Labour
Prof David Livay 19.6.1995-18.7.1995 Labour
Ehud Barak 18.7.1995-22.11.1995 Labour
Haim Ramon 22.11.1995-18.6.1996 Labour
Eliyahu Swisa 18.6.1996-6.7.1999 Shas
Natan Sharansky 6.7.1999-11.7.2000 Israel Ba-Aliya
Haim Ramon 11.7.2000-7.3.2001 One Israel
Eli Yishai 7.3.2001-23.5.2002 Shas
Ariel Sharon 23.5.2002-3.6.2002 Likud
Eli Yishai 3.6.2002-28.2.2003 Shas
Avraham Poraz 28.2.2003-4.12.2004 Shinui
Ophir Pines-Paz 10.1.2005-23.11.2005 Labour
Ariel Sharon 23.11.2005- Kadima

[edit] External links

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