Template talk:Iso1

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10He 11Li 12Be 13B 14C 15N 16O 17F 18Ne 19Na 20Mg
18B 19C 20N 21O 22F 23Ne 24Na 25Mg
27Si 28P 29S


[edit] Instructions for using templates in the isotope table

The isotope table article has caused trouble for several users because it is too big for certain web browsers' editors (more than 90 kB), e.g. typographical errors have been introduced by the software. Partly to reduce file size (less than 45 kB) and partly to make the isotope table easier to edit, a few templates have been introduced for use in this article.

Here are instructions for using the templates, plus an excerpt from the isotope table code and a demonstration of what the isotope table will look like. See for instance the links to Tritium and Carbon-14, and the two-coloured cell of Al-26.

[edit] Using the templates

Template Syntax Effective text
Explanation and comments
{{Iso1}} {{Iso1|Nr|Symbol|X}} title="{{Iso/X/text}}" style="background:{{Iso/X}};" | <small><sup>Nr</sup></small>Symbol
{{Iso1|Nr|Symbol}} title="Unstable" style="background:white;" | <small><sup>Nr</sup></small>Symbol

One-coloured cells

X is member of "ROYGBIV-" and represents a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet or white background colour of a whole table cell. If X is omitted, the colour defaults to white.

Nr and Symbol represent atomic number and chemical symbol and are rendered as NrSymbol. Symbol may contain links, e.g. [[Helium-4|He]] is rendered as He.

{{Iso2}} {{Iso2|Nr|Symbol|X|Z}} title="Isotope: {{Iso/X/text}}; Nuclear isomer: {{Iso/Z/text}}" style="background:{{Iso/Z}};" | <div style="background:{{Iso/X}};"> <small><sup>Nr</sup></small>Symbol</div>
{{Iso2|Nr|Symbol|X}} title="Isotope: {{Iso/X/text}}; Nuclear isomer: Unstable" style="background:white;" | <div style="background:{{Iso/X}};"> <small><sup>Nr</sup></small>Symbol</div>

Two-coloured cells

X and Z are members of "ROYGBIV-" as mentioned above. X is the background colour of the text, and Z is the border colour of the table cell. If Z is omitted, the border defaults to white.

Nr and Symbol are the same as above.

In principle this template could be used for both one- and two-coloured cells. However, this template yields more text than the first one, calls the double number of sub-templates, and also displays misleading popup titles if used in one-coloured cells. Therefore it should only be used when there is actually a need for two colours.

The following templates are generally not used independently, but are called by Iso1 and Iso2 using the variables X and Z:

[edit] Explanation of background colours

Half-lives (example: Gd)
145Gd Unstable
146Gd 1-10 days
149Gd 10-100 days
153Gd 100 days - 10 years
148Gd 10-10,000 years
150Gd >10,000 years
152Gd Natural radioactive
158Gd Stable
Half-lives (example: Gd)
145Gd Unstable
146Gd 1-10 days
149Gd 10-100 days
153Gd 100 days - 10 years
148Gd 10-10,000 years
150Gd >10,000 years
152Gd Natural radioactive
158Gd Stable

The background colour of each isotope's cell indicates the isotope's physical half-life. See colour chart to the right. Differently coloured borders indicate half-lives of the most stable nuclear isomer states.

To insert this colour chart in an article, add the following tag:

{{isotope colour chart}}

The template takes an optional, nameless parameter that may be used to add styles such as table width or font effects, or override the default styles. The styles are given as a semicolon-separated list using colon as the assignment operator, e.g.:

background:pink; font-style:italic;

The parameter is separated from the template name with a pipe ("|"), and the full template call becomes:

{{isotope colour chart | background:pink; font-style:italic;}}

The result is shown to the lower right.

[edit] Excerpt from the isotope table code

 {| cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%"
 |+ '''List of known [[isotope]]s'''
 ![[proton|p]] →
 |{{Iso1|7|B }}
 |{{Iso1|8|C }}
 |{{Iso1|5|[[Exotic helium isotopes|He]]}}
 |{{Iso1|8|B }}
 |{{Iso1|9|C }}
 |{{Iso1|10|N }}
 |{{Iso1|10|[[Exotic helium isotopes|He]]}}
 |{{Iso1|13|B }}
 |{{Iso1|15|N |R}}
 |{{Iso1|16|O |R}}
 |{{Iso1|17|F }}
 |{{Iso1|18|B }}
 |{{Iso1|19|C }}
 |{{Iso1|20|N }}
 |{{Iso1|21|O }}
 |{{Iso1|22|F }}
 |{{Iso1|28|P }}
 |{{Iso1|29|S }}

[edit] Excerpt from the isotope table

p 1 2
n H He 3 4
0 1H Li Be 5 6
1 2D 3He 4Li 5Be B C 7
2 3T 4He 5Li 6Be 7B 8C N 8
3 4H 5He 6Li 7Be 8B 9C 10N O 9
4 5H 6He 7Li 8Be 9B 10C 11N 12O F 10
5 6H 7He 8Li 9Be 10B 11C 12N 13O 14F Ne 11
6 7H 8He 9Li 10Be 11B 12C 13N 14O 15F 16Ne Na 12
7 9He 10Li 11Be 12B 13C 14N 15O 16F 17Ne 18Na Mg 13
8 10He 11Li 12Be 13B 14C 15N 16O 17F 18Ne 19Na 20Mg Al 14
9 12Li 13Be 14B 15C 16N 17O 18F 19Ne 20Na 21Mg 22Al Si 15
10 14Be 15B 16C 17N 18O 19F 20Ne 21Na 22Mg 23Al P 16
11 16B 17C 18N 19O 20F 21Ne 22Na 23Mg 24Al 25Si S 17
12 17B 18C 19N 20O 21F 22Ne 23Na 24Mg 25Al 26Si 27P Cl 18
13 18B 19C 20N 21O 22F 23Ne 24Na 25Mg
27Si 28P 29S Ar 19
14 19B 20C 21N 22O 23F 24Ne 25Na 26Mg 27Al 28Si 29P 30S 31Cl K 20
15 21C 22N 23O 24F 25Ne 26Na 27Mg 28Al 29Si 30P 31S 32Cl 33Ar Ca

[edit] Discussion

[edit] Popup titles in the isotope table cells

Popup titles displaying half-lives when hovering over table cells were added in January 2006. For background and discussion see Talk:Isotope table (complete)#Alternatives for displaying colour legend.