
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • {{ISO|code|CountryName}}: Returns ISO country code.
    • CountryName is the name of the country. The name of the country's article should work.
  • {{ISO|flag|CountryCode}}: Displays flag icon with text label.
    • CountryCode should be the country's ISO country code.

  • Aliases are done by having one template for each country or alias (this is called a template array).
  • Alias templates follow the pattern country_ISO_alias_Name.
    • Contents of the country alias is the name of the country's Wikipedia page (ie, United States).
  • Alias templates for flags follow the pattern country_flag_ISO_alias_Name.
    • Contents of the country flag alias is the name of the country's flag image (ie, us or Us); the rest of the image file name is appended by {{country_flagISO}}: _flag_large.png.