Talk:Isotopes of uranium

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A summary of this article appears in Uranium.

This article is part of Wikipedia:Wikiproject Isotopes. Please keep style and phrasings consistent across the set of pages. For later reference and improved reliability, data from all considered multiple sources is collected here. References are denoted by these letters:

  • (A) G. Audi, O. Bersillon, J. Blachot, A.H. Wapstra. The Nubase2003 evaluation of nuclear and decay properties, Nuc. Phys. A 729, pp. 3-128 (2003). — Where this source indicates a speculative value, the # mark is also applied to values with weak assignment arguments from other sources, if grouped together. An asterisk after the A means that a comment of some importance may be available in the original.
  • (B) National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, information extracted from the NuDat 2.1 database. (Retrieved Sept. 2005, from the code of the popup boxes).
  • (C) David R. Lide (ed.), Norman E. Holden in CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 85th Edition, online version. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida (2005). Section 11, Table of the Isotopes. — The CRC uses rounded numbers with implied uncertainties, where this concurs with the range of another source it is treated as exactly equal in this comparison.
  • (D) More specific level data from reference B's Levels and Gammas database.
  • (E) Same as B but excitation energy replaced with that from D.
  Z   N refs symbol   half-life                   spin              excitation energy
 92 125 A   |U-217   |26(14) ms                  |1/2-#
 92 125 B   |U-217   |16(+21-6) ms               |
 92 125 C   |U-217   |~16 ms                     |
 92 126 A   |U-218   |6(5) ms                    |0+
 92 126 B   |U-218   |1.5(+73-7) ms              |0+
 92 126 C   |U-218   |~0.002 s                   |
 92 127 A   |U-219   |55(25) µs                  |9/2+#
 92 127 B   |U-219   |42(+34-13) µs              |
 92 127 C   |U-219   |0.04 ms                    |
 92 128 A   |U-220   |60# ns                     |0+
 92 128 B   |U-220   |~60 ns                     |0+
 92 129 A   |U-221   |700# ns                    |9/2+#
 92 129 B   |U-221   |~0.7 µs                    |
 92 130 A   |U-222   |1.4(7) µs                  |0+
 92 130 B   |U-222   |1.0(+10-4) µs              |0+
 92 130 C   |U-222   |~1. µs                     |
 92 131 A   |U-223   |21(8) µs                   |7/2+#
 92 131 B   |U-223   |18(+10-5) µs               |
 92 131 C   |U-223   |0.02 s                     |
 92 132 A   |U-224   |940(270) µs                |0+
 92 132 B   |U-224   |0.9(3) ms                  |0+
 92 132 C   |U-224   |~1. ms                     |
 92 133 A   |U-225   |61(4) ms                   |5/2+#
 92 133 BC  |U-225   |84(4) ms                   |
 92 134 A   |U-226   |269(6) ms                  |0+
 92 134 BC  |U-226   |0.26(2) s                  |0+
 92 135 AB  |U-227   |1.1(1) min                 |(3/2+)
 92 135 C   |U-227   |1.1 min                    |
 92 136 ABC |U-228   |9.1(2) min                 |0+
 92 137 ABC |U-229   |58(3) min                  |(3/2+)
 92 138 ABC |U-230   |20.8 d                     |0+
 92 139 A   |U-231   |4.2(1) d                   |(5/2)(+#)
 92 139 BC  |U-231   |4.2(1) d                   |(5/2-)
 92 140 AB  |U-232   |68.9(4) a                  |0+
 92 140 C   |U-232   |70. a                      |0+
 92 141 ABC |U-233   |1.592(2)E+5 a              |5/2+
 92 142 ABC |U-234   |2.455(6)E+5 a              |0+
 92 142 AD  |U-234m  |33.5(20) µs                |6-               |1421.32(10) keV
 92 143 ABC |U-235   |7.04(1)E+8 a               |7/2-
 92 143 A   |U-235m  |~26 min                    |1/2+             |0.0765(4) keV
 92 143 E   |U-235m  |~26 min                    |1/2+             |0.0765(4) keV
 92 143 C   |U-235m  |26. min                    |1/2+
 92 144 ABC |U-236   |2.342(3)E+7 a              |0+
 92 144 D   |U-236m1 |100(4) ns                  |(4)-             |1052.89(19) keV
 92 144 A   |U-236m2 |115 ns                     |0+               |2750(10) keV
 92 144 D   |U-236m2 |120(2) ns                  |(0+)             |2750(10) keV
 92 145 ABC |U-237   |6.75(1) d                  |1/2+
 92 146 ABC |U-238   |4.468(3)E+9 a              |0+
 92 146 AD  |U-238m  |280(6) ns                  |0+               |2557.9(5) keV
 92 147 ABC |U-239   |23.45(2) min               |5/2+
 92 147 A   |U-239m1 |>250 ns                    |(5/2+)           |20(20)# keV
 92 147 D   |U-239m1 |>0.25 µs                   |(5/2+)           |0+X keV
 92 147 AD  |U-239m2 |780(40) ns                 |1/2+             |133.7990(10) keV
 92 148 ABC |U-240   |14.1(1) h                  |0+
 92 149 A   |U-241   |5# min                     |7/2+#
 92 149 B   |U-241   |~5 min                     |
 92 150 AB  |U-242   |16.8(5) min                |0+
 92 150 C   |U-242   |16.8 min                   |

Femto 11:16, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

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