Isopeptide bond

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Figure 1: Locations of the epsilon Nitrogen, isopeptide bond, and peptide bond.
Figure 1: Locations of the epsilon Nitrogen, isopeptide bond, and peptide bond.

An Isopeptide bond is a chemical bond between a carboxyl group and an amino group. Isopeptide bonds are similar to peptide bonds that are found in amino acids except for which amino group participates in the bond. The difference is the ε-amino groups are used in the bond instead of the α-amino groups.

[edit] See also

Protein primary structure and posttranslational modifications
General: Protein biosynthesis | Peptide bond | Proteolysis | Racemization | N-O acyl shift
N-terminus: Acetylation | Formylation | Myristoylation | Pyroglutamate | methylation | glycation | myristoylation (Gly) | carbamylation
C-terminus: Amidation | Glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) | O-methylation | glypiation | ubiquitination | sumoylation
Lysine: Methylation | Acetylation | Acylation | Hydroxylation | Ubiquitination | SUMOylation | Desmosine | deamination and oxidation to aldehyde| O-glycosylation | imine formation | glycation | carbamylation
Cysteine: Disulfide bond | Prenylation | Palmitoylation
Serine/Threonine: Phosphorylation | Glycosylation
Tyrosine: Phosphorylation | Sulfation | porphyrin ring linkage | flavin linkage | GFP prosthetic group (Thr-Tyr-Gly sequence) formation | Lysine tyrosine quinone (LTQ) formation | Topaquinone (TPQ) formation
Asparagine: Deamidation | Glycosylation
Aspartate: Succinimide formation
Glutamine: Transglutamination
Glutamate: Carboxylation | polyglutamylation | polyglycylation
Arginine: Citrullination | Methylation
Proline: Hydroxylation
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