Island (book trilogy)

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Island is a book trilogy by Canadian author Gordon Korman. The books are written in 3rd person, set in contemporary times and designed for young teenagers, though older readers may also gain something. Each chapter in the story goes by a separate heading, as follows:

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Island 1: Shipwreck

We are introduced to the six troubled children who are part of a new scheme called 'Charting a New Course', or CNC. They are sibling rivals Will and Lyssa Greenfield, framed bad boy Luke Haggerty, exercise addict Charla Swann, Discovery Channel-dependent Ian Sikorsky, and tearaway movie star's son J.J. Lane. All are Americans aged between 9 and 16. The project involves removing the children from luxury and forcing them to cope with hardship and problem-solving, on a ship bound for Guam. On the way a severe storm hits, severely damaging the ship and killing the captain. They are abandoned by the ship's first mate, Mr. Radford, when the ship begins to sink. Luke, Charla, Ian, and Will find themselves deserted on an island after a week of drifting on a piece of wreckage from the ship. Lyssa and J.J. reached the same island by riding on a rubber raft that J.J. had brought along on the trip.


Charla Swann Lyssa Greenfield Will Greenfield Luke Haggarty Ian Siscorchi JJ Lane

Charla is an Athletic girl she is really nuts about her Olympics

Lyssa Greenfield hates her brother once sent both of em to the hospital

Will Greenfield loses his memory on the second book

Luke Haggarty Is mostly the boss

Ian Siscorchi Saves everyone like with his appcetion with the discovery channel

JJ Lane is a big show off and thinks when its shipwreck that its just a big act.

[edit] Island 2: Survival

Ian, Charla, Luke, and Will wash up on the island, separated from JJ and Lyssa. While Charla, Luke, and Ian are finding food Will wakes up with amnesia, having no memory of CNC, or the other castaways (other than Lisa) he runs away into the jungle. The castaways hear a plane and go to the other side of the island to find it, only to discover that on board were illegal traders, who shot one of their own men. after a brief encounter with Will, who ran away, having no memory of them and thinking they were going to hurt him, Ian, Charla, and Luke go to find Will. Along the way they find JJ and Lyssa, who had been living on freeze-dried food from the survival raft. In the jungle Will wakes up to find a boar, this prompts him to make a bow and arrow, with which he shoots the boar, however he only injures it and it becomes a pet. On the beach the other castaways worry about the smugglers finding them, or Will, who doesn't know of the danger. In the jungle Will slowly begins to remember the events of the past few weeks, finally he runs onto the beach at the same time as the smugglers arrive, thankfully he is not seen, and after a fight between the boar, and the smugglers rotwiler, which ends with the smugglers shooting and killing the boar and accidentally shooting Will in the leg. at the end of the book the smugglers finally leave. During a walk through the jungle JJ falls into a pit, in which is an unused WWII bomb!

[edit] Island 3: Escape

The pressure mounts when Will is shot and his life hangs on the balance. A plan is made to escape which involves J.J. stowing away in an enemy's plane with the hope that he might be ransomed to his rich father.

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