Islamic Revolutionary Court

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Islamic Revolutionary Court[1] is a special court in the Islamic Republic of Iran designed to eliminate those suspected of wanting to overthrow the Islamic regime. This revolutionary court[2] started its work after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and remains in place as of 2006.


[edit] Jurisdiction

According to the government site, the Court's jurisdictions are as follows,[3]

  1. All of the offenses against the internal and external security of the Country, combating and behaving in a corruptly manner on the earth.
  2. Uttering slander against the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Honorable Leader.
  3. Conspiracy against the Islamic Republic of Iran or carrying arms[4], use of terrorism, destruction of building against the Islamic Republic.
  4. Engaging in espionage for aliens.
  5. All crimes involving smugglings and narcotic items.
  6. The cases pertinent to Article 49[5] of the Constitution.

It also tries non-clerical government employees who do no necessarily advocate an armed revolution.[6] It holds kangaroo trials that are not public, though sometimes certain information becomes disclosed at the discretion of the government. There is no jury, and a single judge decide the matter at hand.

[edit] Infamy

The Islamic Revolutionary Court is infamous for having executed thousands of secularists and communists in the 1980s.

[edit] References and notes

[edit] See also

[edit] External links