
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's a less than empty cup of coffee that's been sitting on my desk for a few days now. In front of it are three books that were used in my AP English summer readings and assignments, where said assignments were finished in the very late night of two days ago. Hence the unfinished cup of coffee. To the left of that are various objects including: my silver, 10 button mouse, my crumb filled keyboard, a generic cellphone, an empty cup of orange juice, and a gluestick. Gluesticks annoy me; I always carry them somewhere, glue one thing, and lose the gluestick. Of course, that isn't the gluesticks fualt. It works properly in all of its gluestick functions, although a new function really should be added of return type Location.

Descriptions of a person's workspace will do fine in introducing the person, and isn't it much more interesting to read than an encyclopedia-type biography?