Isabel L'Envers

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Isabel L'Envers is the deceased wife of Rolande de la Courcel, a member of House L'Envers, in Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Isabel was a murderess, who had Edmée de Rocaille killed so she could marry the Dauphin Rolande. Anafiel Delaunay wrote a poem, Antinous's Ode to His Beloved, which described a noblewoman seducing a stableboy into slitting the girth of her rival's saddle, a thinly veiled exposition of Isabel's plot to murder Edmeé and win Rolande for herself. In revenge, Isabel sought to have Delaunay banished, but succeeded only in having his poetry proscribed. By Rolande she had one daughter, Ysandre, and was herself murdered by members of the Stregazza family, who sent her a supposed gift of poisoned figs, carried to her by Vitale Bouvarre.