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IRP may mean any of the following:

  • Interest rate parity (IRP), says difference in interest between two countries will be offset by change in currency value
  • I/O request packets (IRPs) are structures that are used by Windows Driver Model (WDM) and Windows NT drivers to communicate with each other and the operating system. They are typically created by the IO Manager on behalf of drivers.
  • Internet Relay Programming (IRP) is a joke esoteric computer programming language designed by Gregor Richards that uses a cooperative programming approach (ie, the programmer goes on Internet Relay Chat and uses IRP to ask someone else in the channel to do what he wants the program to do).[1]
  • The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan, that was formed in the former Soviet Union and now operates across Central Asian states with the aim of forming Islamic States governed by Sharia.
  • irp is the ancient Egyptian word for wine. It's written using the eye symbol "ir" followed by the mat symbol "p"
  • Indianapolis Raceway Park until 2006, when the track was renamed O'Reilly Raceway Park at Indianapolis.
  • International Registration Plan is a subsidiary of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.
  • Islamic Republic Party was the main political party in the early days after the islamic revolution in Iran.
  • Integration Reference Point is a 3GPP standard for Fault and Configuration Management. Supports the CORBA interface.