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- For the "national beverage" of Scotland, see Irn-Bru
Ironbeer is a soft drink that originated in Cuba in 1904 and created by Manuel Rabanal. It has been described as tasting like "a fruitier Dr Pepper." [1] After Fidel Castro seized power and nationalized all private property in 1960, "Inverciones Rabanal" run by Jesus Larrazabal (husband of Teresa Rabanal - Manuel's daughter) along with the Ironbeer of Cuba families (Rabanal, Larrazabal, Rojas) were exiled in Miami.
In the mid-1990s, the United States version of the brand (no longer affiliated with Ironbeer of Cuba and without the 500 lb weights in the flexed arm logo) called Ironbeer Soft Drink Inc. was involved in a legal battle with Tropicana Products.
Ironbeer cans give the following story about its origins:
- On a summers afternoon, in 1917 a mule-drawn, wooden wagon arrived at a popular cafeteria in Havana, Cuba. It delivered the first four cases of a new soft drink that would soon be called "The National Beverage". Now more than 80 years later, IRONBEER is still enjoyed for its refreshing flavor with just a hint of island spices. A lot can change over the years - but not the original flavor of IRONBEER!
[edit] External links
- "Beaten to a Pulp: Ironbeer entrepreneur Pedro Blanco thought he had a fruitful contract to can Tropicana juice. Now all he's got is a bankrupt business."
- "Strong Brew: A costly battle with giant juice company Tropicana turned into a blessing for soft drink maker Ironbeer, whose revenues have since tripled."
- BevBoard Ironbeer discussion
- "Tropical soft drink: Tastes of home in every sip"
- Delicious Sparkling Temperance Drinks review of Ironbeer