Iranian languages

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This article deals with the language family. For languages spoken on the territory of Iran, see Languages of Iran.
Southwest Asia, Central Asia and parts of South Asia
Geographic distribution of the modern Iranian languages: Persian (green), Pashto (purple), Balochi (yellow), and Kurdish (turquoise), as well as smaller communities of other Iranian languages (User-created map)

The Iranian languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family. With the Indo-Aryan languages they form the Indo-Iranian languages group, which is a branch of Indo-European; with Avestan and Old Persian, the Iranian languages are two of the oldest recorded Indo-European languages (including the Indic language Vedic Sanskrit, Greek, and Hittite).

Today, there are an estimated 150-200 million native speakers of Iranian languages.[1] The 2005 SIL enumerates 87 varieties of Iranian languages, per number of native speakers, the greatest are Persian (ca. 70 million), Kurdish and Pashto (ca. 25 million each), and Balochi (ca. 7 million); to compare these numbers against those for other languages, see list of languages by number of native speakers.


[edit] Name

The 'Iranian' languages branch is so named because its principal member languages, including Persian, have been spoken in the area of the Iranian plateau since ancient times, however, as a linguistic classification, 'Iranian'implies no relation with the country of Iran, for which see Languages of Iran.

[edit] Early Iranian languages

Historical distribution in 100 BC: shown is Sarmatia, Scythia, Bactria and the Parthian Empire.
Historical distribution in 100 BC: shown is Sarmatia, Scythia, Bactria and the Parthian Empire.

The Indo-Iranian languages probably originated in Central Asia. The Andronovo culture is the suggested candidate for the common Indo-Iranian culture ca. 2000 BC, but never proved.

Together with the other Indo-Iranian languages, the Iranian languages are descended from a common ancestor, Proto-Indo-Iranian. This language split up into:

Proto-Iranian thus dates to some time after Proto-Indo-Iranian breakup, or the early second millennium BC, as the Old Iranian languages began to break off and evolve separately as the various Iranian tribes migrated and settled in vast areas of southeastern Europe, the Iranian plateau, and Central Asia.

Linguistically, the Old Iranian languages are divided into two major families and sub classes:

  • The eastern group
  • The western group
    • The southwestern group
    • The northwestern group

The eastern group includes the Sogdian, Khwarezmian, Saka, and Avestan, (also known as Old Bactrian). The northwestern branch includes the Median language. The southwestern group includes Persian.

Avestan is mainly attested through the Avesta, a collection of sacred texts connected to the Zoroastrian religion. Old Persian is attested through inscriptions in the Old Persian cuneiform script.

[edit] The Middle Iranian languages

What is known in Iranian linguistic history as the "Middle Iranian" era is thought to begin around the 4th century BCE lasting through the 9th century. Again, geographically, one can classify these into two main families, Western and Eastern.

The former family includes the languages of Parthian (Arsacid Pahlavi) and Middle Persian, while Bactrian, Sogdian, Khwarezmian, Saka, and Old Ossetic (Scytho-Sarmatian) fall under the latter category. The two languages of the western group were linguistically very close to each other, but quite distinct from their eastern counterparts. On the other hand, the Eastern group retained more proximity to Old Iranian. They were inscribed in various Aramaic alphabets, which had evolved from the Achaemenid Imperial Aramaic.

Middle Persian (Pahlavi), was the official language of the Sassanids. It was in usage from the 3rd century until the top of the 10th century. Pahlavi was also the language of the Manichaeans, whose texts survive albeit in limited numbers. The Imperial Aramaic script used in this era experienced significant maturation.

[edit] Iranian languages after the Arab conquest of Persia

Dark green: Countries where Iranian languages are official. Teal: Regional co-official/de facto status.
Dark green: Countries where Iranian languages are official. Teal: Regional co-official/de facto status.

Following the Islamic Conquest of Iran, there were important changes in the role of the different dialects of Persian within the Persian empire. The old prestige form of Middle Persian, also known as Pahlavi, was replaced by a new standard dialect called Dari as the official language of the court. The name Dari comes from the word darbar (دربار), which refers to the royal court, where many of the poets, protagonists, and patrons of the literature flourished (See Persian literature). The Saffarid dynasty in particular was the first in a line of many dynasties to officially adopt the new language in 875CE. Dari is believed to have been heavily influenced by regional dialects of eastern Iran, whereas the earlier Pahlavi standard was based more on western dialects. This new prestige dialect became the ancestor of modern Standard Persian. Medieval Iranian scholars such as Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa (8th century) and Ibn al-Nadim (10th century) associated the term "Dari" with the eastern province of Khorasan, while they used the term "Pahlavi" to describe the dialects of the northwestern areas between Isfahan and Azerbaijan (see Ancient Azari language), and "Parsi" ("Persian" proper) to describe the dialects of Fars. They also noted that the unofficial language of the royalty itself was yet another dialect, "Khuzi", associated with the western province of Khuzestan.

The Islamic conquest also brought with it the adoption of Arabic script for writing Persian. It was adapted to the writing of Persian by the addition of a few letters. This development probably occurred some time during the second half of the 8th century, when the old middle Persian script began dwindling in usage. The aforementioned script remains the in use in contemporary modern Persian. Tajik script was first Latinised in the 1920s under the then Soviet nationality policy. The script was however subsequently Cyrillicized in the 1930s under plans by USSR's government in Central Asia.

The geographical area in which Iranian languages were spoken was pushed back in several areas by new neighbouring languages. Arabic spread into some parts of Western Iran (Khuzestan), and Turkic languages spread through much of Central Asia, displacing various Iranian languages such as Sogdian and Bactrian in parts of what is today Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. They also displaced the Persian language spoken in Azerbaijan.

[edit] Classification of the Iranian languages

Iranian languages are divided into Eastern and Western subfamilies, totalling about 84 languages (SIL estimate). Of the most widely-spoken Iranian languages, Kurdish, Persian, and Balochi are all Western Iranian languages, while Pashto is an Eastern Iranian language.

[edit] A Comparison Table of the Iranian Languages

English Zazaki Kurdish Pashto Balochi Mazandarani Tajik Persian Middle Persian Parthian Old Persian Avestan
beautiful rind rind/delal/cûwan shkulay, xkulay sharr, soherâ zebo zibâ/ xubchehreh hučihr, hužihr hužihr naiba vahu-, srîra
blood gûn xwîn wina hon xin xun xūn xōn xōn vohuni
bread nûn nan ḍoḍəy/roṭəy (from Indic) nân, nagan nân non nân nân nân
bring ârdena anîn/hênan rāwṛəl âvardan biyârden ovardan âvardan âwurdan, āwāy-, āwar-, bar- āwāy-, āwar-, bar- bara- bara, bar-
brother birâ bira wror barādar birâr barodar barādar brād, brâdar brād, brādar brâtar brâtar-
come amaena hatin rātləl áhag, âmadan enen omadan âmadan âmadan, awar awar, čām ây-, âgam âgam-
cry bermayish girîn žāṛəl taukh bərmə/ qâ giristan geristan griy-, bram-
dark târî tarî tiārə thár siyo torîk târîk târīg/k târīg, târēn sâmahe, sâma
daughter kena keç/kîj/kenîşk/dot lūr mind kijâ/ dether duxtar doxtar duxtar duxt, duxtar duxδar
day roc roj wradz roshe rez/ reoj rûz rûz rōz raucah-
do kerdena kirin/kirdin kawəl khandagh hâkerden kardan kardan kardan kartan kạrta- kәrәta-
door ber derge/derî war gelo bəli dar dar dar dar, bar duvara- dvara-
die merdena mirin mṛəl/məṛedəl mireg bamirden murdan murdan murdan mạriya- mar-
donkey her ker xar her xar xar xar xar
egg hak hêk hagəy heyg merqâna tuxm toxm toxmag, xâyag taoxmag, xâyag taoxma-
earth êrd (Arabic) herd/erd (Arabic) zməka/mzəka zemin zemi zamin zamin zamīg zamīg zam- zãm, zam, zem
evening shund êvar/êware māshām, māxām nəmâshun begáh begoh, shom sarshab êbêrag
eye chım çav stərga ch.hem, chem chashm chashm chašm chašm čaša- čašman-
father pi bav/bawk plār pyt, abbâ piyer padar pedar pidar pid pitar pitar
fear ters tirs wera terseg təshəpash tars tars tars tars tạrsa- tares-
fiancé washte dezgîran, destgirtî nām zād nomzad nâm-zad - -
fine wesh xweş/baş sha, xa hosh naghz, xub xub dârmag srîra
finger gisht til/qamik gūta/gwəta lenkwk, mordâneg angoos angusht angosht angust dišti-
fire âdır agir or âch, âs tesh otash âtash, âzar âdur, âtaxsh ādur âç- âtre-/aêsma-
fish mâse masî kab/māhī mâhi mohi mâhi mâhig mâsyâg masyô, masya
food / eat werdena xwarin xwāṛa/xoṛəl warag, vereg xurok / xurdan xorâk / xordan parwarz / xwâr, xwardīg parwarz / xwâr hareθra / ad-, at-
go shiyaena çûn tləl jwzzegh shunen / burden raftan raftan raftan, shudan ay- ai- ay-, fra-vaz
god homâ xwedê xwdāy hwdâ xudo xodâ bay, abragar baga- baya-
good hol baş, çak sha, xa jawáin, šarr xâr naghz, xub, neku xub / neku xūb, nêkog vahu- vohu, vaŋhu-
grass vash giya, riwek, şênkatî wāshə, wāxə rem sabza, giyoh sabzeh, giyâh giyâ dâlūg urvarâ
great gırd / pil gir, mezin, gewre stər mastar belang, pila buzurg bozorg wuzurg, pīl vazạrka- uta-, avañt
hand dest dest/lep lās dast dess dast dast dast dast dasta- zasta-
head ser ser sar saghar kalə sar, kalla sar, kalleh sar
heart zerri dil zṛə dil, hatyr dil dil del dil dil aηhuš
horse estoar hesp ās (masc.), aspa (fem.) asp istar asp asb, astar asp, stōr asp, stōr aspa aspa-
house ke(ye) mal kor log səre xona xâneh xânag demâna-, nmâna-
hunger vêyshan birçîtî/birsiyetî lwaža shudhagh veyshna gurusnagi gorosnegi gursag, shuy
language ziwan / zun ziman žəba zevân ziwân zabon zabân zuwân izβân hazâna- hizvâ-
laugh huyaena kenîn xandəl khendegh, hendeg xandidan xandidan xandīdan karta Syaoθnâvareza-
life jewiyaena jiyan/jîn žwand zendegih zindagi zendegi zīndagīh, zīwišnīh žīwahr, žīw- gaêm, gaya-
man merd mêr/piyaw saṛay merd merd mard mard mard mard martiya- mašîm, mašya
moon ashmê heyv/mang spožməy/spogməy máh mithra moh māh māh māh mâh- måŋha-
mother mae dayik mor mât, mâs mâr modar mādar mādar mādar mâtar mâtar-
mouth fek dev/dem xwla daf dahon dahân dahân, rumb åŋhânô, âh, åñh
name nâme nav num num num nom nâm nâm nâman nãman
night shewe şev shpa shaw, šap sheow shab shab shab xšap- xšap-
open rakerdena vekirin prānistəl/prānatəl božagh vâ-hekârden kushodan, boz kardan bâz-kardan abâz-kardan būxtaka- būxta-
peace kotpy aştî rogha ârâm oshti, oromish âshti, ârâmeš âštih, râmīšn râm, râmīšn šiyâti- râma-
pig xoz beraz xug xug xi xuk xūk xūk varâza (wild pig)
place ja cih/şûn dzāy hend joy, jo gâh gâh gâθu- gâtu-, gâtav-
read wendena xwendin lwastəl wánagh baxinden xondan xândan xwândan
say vatena gotin/wutin wayəl gushagh baotena guftan goftan guftan, gōw-, wâxtan gōw- gaub- mrû-
sister wae xweşk xor gwhâr xâxer xohar xâhar xwahar
small qıch piçûk ləž, ləg/woṛ/kuchnay lekem pətik, bechuk, perushk xurd kuchak, kam kam, rangas kam kamna- kamna-
son qıj kur zway, zuy pisar, phusagh pisser pisar pesar pur, pusar puhr puça pūθra-
soul giyan rūh (Arabic), sā rūh (Arabic) ravon ravân rūwân, gyân rūwân, gyân urvan-
spring wusar bihar psarlay wehâr bahor bahâr wahâr vâhara- θūravâhara-
tall berz bilind/berz lwaṛ bwrz baland boland / bârez buland, borz bârež barez-
three hire dre se se se se hrē çi- θri-
village dew gund, dê kəlay helk deh deh, rusto deh wiž dahyu- vîs-, dahyu-
want wastena xwestin/wîstin ghwāṛəl lotagh bexanen xostan xâstan xwâstan
water awe av obə âf ab ob âb âb âb âpi avô-
when key kengê kəla, či ked kay kay kay ka čim-
wind va ba bād gwáth bod bâd wâd vâta-
wolf verg gur līwə gurkh varg, gəorge gurg gorg gurg varka- vehrka
woman jeniye jin/afret shədza, xəza jan zəna zan zan zan žan hâīrīšī-, nâirikâ-
year serre sal kāl sâl sol sâl sâl θard ýâre, sarәd
yes / no ya / ne erê / na ho, wo / na ere / na ha / ne âri / na hâ / ney hâ / ney yâ / nay, mâ yâ / noit, mâ
yesterday vizêr duh/dwênê pərun direz dina, diruz diruz dêrûž

[edit] See also

[edit] Bibliography

  1. ^ Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005). "Report for Iranian languages". Ethnologue: Languages of the World. 
Iranian Languages
Eastern Iranian
Old Iranian Avestan † | Scythian (including Saka)† | Sogdian†
Middle Iranian Bactrian† | Khwarezmian† | Khotanese† (possibly a Saka dialect) | Ossetic | Sacian†
Modern Iranian Bartangi | Hidukush Group | Ishkashmi | Karakoram Group | Khufi | Munji | Oroshori | New Ossetic | Parachi | Pashto | Roshani (Roshni) | Sanglechi | Sarikoli | Shughni | Wakhi | Vanji † | Waziri | Yaghnobi | Yidgha | Yazgulami | Zebaki
Western Iranian
Old Iranian Median† | Old Persian (Aryan)†
Middle Iranian Parthian Pahlavi† | Sasanian Pahlavi†
Modern Iranian Alviri (Vidâri) | Ashtiani | Azari† | Baluchi | Bashkardi | Central Iran | Persian Dari | Dari (Zoroastrian) | Gilaki | Gorani | Harzani | Judeo-Persian | Kurdish Kurmanji | Laki | Luri | Bakhtiari Lori | Mazandarani | Ormuri | Sangsari | Parachi | New-Persian | Sorani (Kurdish) | Tajik | Taleshi | Tat | Tati | Vafsi | Zazaki
Extinct †