IQ and Global Inequality

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Calculated and estimated national average IQ.          ≤65        70        75        80        85        90        95        100        ≥105        N/A
Calculated and estimated national average IQ.
     ≤65      70      75      80      85      90      95      100      ≥105      N/A

IQ and Global Inequality is a controversial 2006 book by Dr. Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.[1] IQ and Global Inequality is follow-up to their 2002 book IQ and the Wealth of Nations[2], an expansion of the argument that that international differences in current economic development are due in part to differences in average national intelligence as measured by average national IQ, and a response to critics.

Some of Lynn's research has been funded by the Pioneer Fund. As with Lynn's book Race Differences in Intelligence, the book was not published by an academic publisher but by a private publisher run by an editorial board member of the Occidental Quarterly. It has also reprinted "'classic' Aryan and eugenic tracts including a homily to the antisemitic philosopher Count de Gobineau as a pioneer of genetics."[1]


[edit] Summary

Chapter 1 summarizes theories of economic growth. Chapter 2 defines and describes intelligence. Chapter 3 argues that the scientific literature indicates that intelligence is a determinant of incomes and related phenomena among individuals within a number of countries. Chapter 4 describes the collection and determination of national IQ, presenting calculated IQs for 113 countries and estimated IQs for an additional 79 countries. This represents all countries with population greater than 40,000. Chapter 5 introduces a new statistic, the quality of human condition index (QHC) and 12 alternative variables that measure human conditions. Chapter 7 focuses on the relationship between national IQ and QHC, which Lynn and Vanhanen report to be strongly correlated. Chapter 8 examines the relationship between national IQ and 12 alternative variables, which Lynn and Vanhanen report are also correlated with national IQ. Chapter 9 discusses the genetic and environmental contributions to differences in national intelligence, and argues that racial composition of the population is a major factor. Chapter 10 considers the causal relationship between national IQ and important variables related to global inequality. Chapter 11 discusses and responds to criticisms made to Lynn and Vanhanen's theory by reviewers. Chapter 12 summarizes the book and discusses policy recommendations.

[edit] National IQ and economic development

[edit] Quality of human conditions index

The quality of human conditions (QHC) index.          11        15        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        85        89        N/A
The quality of human conditions (QHC) index.
     11      15      20      30      40      50      60      70      80      85      89      N/A

The quality of human conditions (QHC) index was computed from five variables.

  1. purchasing power parity Gross National Income (PPP-GNI) per capita 2002
  2. adult literacy rate 2002
  3. gross tertiary enrollment ratio
  4. life expectancy at birth 2002
  5. the level of democratization 2002 (Tatu Vanhanen's Index of Democratization)

Values of the index range from 10.7 (Burkina Faso) to 89 (Norway). Lynn and Vanhanen write that they would have preferred to include a sixth measure, an indicator of income inequality, but that statistical data for that variable was not available for all countries. They write that the QHC index differs significantly from other widely used indexes (such as the Human Development Index) in that QHC also measures democratization.

All countries Calculated IQ
(113 countries)
Estimate IQ
(79 countries)
(192 countries)
QHC 0.805 0.725 0.791
PPP GNI per capita 2002 0.693 0.342 0.616
Adult literacy rate 2002 0.642 0.655 0.655
Tertiary enrollment ratio 0.746 0.699 0.745
Life expectancy at birth 2002 0.765 0.690 0.750
Index of Democratization 2002 0.569 0.322 0.530
Excluding smallest countries Calculated IQ
(98 countries)
Estimate IQ
(62 countries)
(160 countries)
QHC 0.846 0.800 0.839
PPP GNI per capita 2002 0.739 0.266 0.649
Adult literacy rate 2002 0.710 0.746 0.733
Tertiary enrollment ratio 0.778 0.734 0.780
Life expectancy at birth 2002 0.833 0.753 0.817
Index of Democratization 2002 0.598 0.408 0.584

[edit] Other measures of global inequality

The relationship of national IQ to twelve other measures of global inequality were examined.

  1. Human Development Index (HDI)
  2. Gender-related Development Index (GDI)
  3. Economic growth rate (EGR)
  4. Gini index of inequality in income or consumption (Gini)
  5. Population below $2 a day international poverty line (Poverty)
  6. Measures of undernourishment (PUN)
  7. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR)
  8. Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
  9. Economic freedom ratings (EFR)
  10. the Index of Economic Freedom (IEF)
  11. Population pyramids (MU-index)
  12. Human happiness and life-satisfaction.

All twelve measures of global inequality are significantly correlated with the QHC index. Eleven of the twelve measures are significantly correlated with national IQ. The measures of human happiness and life satisfaction are not significantly correlated with national IQ.

Correlations IQ QHC
HDI 0.776 0.940
GDI 0.849 0.951
EGR 3 0.747 0.840
EGR 4 0.709 0.871
Gini -0.538 -0.464
Poverty -0.653 -0.799
PUN 1 -0.500 -0.648
MMR -0.730 -0.759
IMR -0.771 -0.861
CPI 0.591 0.762
EFR 0.606 0.674
IEF 0.418 0.620
MU-index 0.806 0.902
Happiness 0.029 0.315
Life satisfaction 0.033 0.396

[edit] Latitude and temperature

Correlation Latitude Temperature
Degrees latitude 1 -0.885
Annual mean temperature -0.885 1
National IQ 0.677 -0.632
QHC 0.659 -0.562
PPP GNI per capita 2002 0.528 -0.407
Adult literacy rate 2002 0.482 -0.467
Tertiary enrollment ratio 0.718 -0.649
Life expectancy at birth 2002 0.505 -0.379
Index of Democratization 2002 0.512 -0.460

[edit] National IQ and QHC values

Country IQ (2002) IQ (2006) PPP-GNI per capita 2002 QHC
Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong 107 108 27,490 60.8
Flag of Singapore Singapore 103 108 23,730 60.7
Flag of North Korea North Korea 105* 106* 1,000 38
Flag of South Korea South Korea 106 106 16,960 75.4
Flag of Japan Japan 105 105 27,380 71.4
Flag of People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 100 105 4,520 39.7
Flag of Republic of China Republic of China 104 105 23,400 79.4
Flag of Italy Italy 102 102 26,170 78.9
Flag of Iceland Iceland 98* 101 29,240 80
Flag of Mongolia Mongolia 98* 101* 1,710 48.1
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 101 101 31,840 82.2
Flag of Austria Austria 102 100 28,910 80.7
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 101* 100* 53,230 76.4
Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 102 100 28,350 82.8
Flag of Norway Norway 98 100 36,690 89
Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 100 100 26,580 76.7
Flag of Belgium Belgium 100 99 28,130 84.1
Flag of Canada Canada 97 99 28,930 77.8
Flag of Estonia Estonia 97* 99 11,630 64.5
Flag of Finland Finland 97 99 26,160 85.1
Flag of Germany Germany 102 99 26,980 78
Flag of New Zealand New Zealand 100 99 20,550 76.2
Flag of Poland Poland 99 99 10,450 62.7
Flag of Sweden Sweden 101 99 25,820 82.9
Flag of Andorra Andorra N/A 98* 19,000 58.7
Flag of Australia Australia 98 98 27,440 82.8
Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 97 98 14,920 64.5
Flag of Denmark Denmark 98 98 30,600 85.4
Flag of France France 98 98 27,040 78.1
Flag of Hungary Hungary 99 98 13,070 64.1
Flag of Latvia Latvia 97* 98* 9,190 65.5
Flag of Spain Spain 99 98 21,910 75.8
Flag of United States United States 98 98 36,120 86.6
Flag of Belarus Belarus 96* 97* 5,500 57.2
Flag of Malta Malta 95* 97 17,710 66.4
Flag of Russia Russia 96 97 8,080 64.5
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 96* 97* 4,800 61.8
Flag of Moldova Moldova 95* 96* 1,600 46.2
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 96 96 12,590 63.2
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 95 96 18,480 72.4
Flag of Uruguay Uruguay 96 96 7,710 64
Flag of Israel Israel 94 95 19,000 75.3
Flag of Portugal Portugal 95 95 17,820 67
Flag of Armenia Armenia 93* 94* 3,230 50.2
Flag of Georgia (country) Georgia 93* 94* 2,270 51.2
Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 93* 94* 5,630 49
Flag of Romania Romania 94 94 6,490 53
Flag of Vietnam Vietnam 96* 94 2,300 39.5
Flag of Argentina Argentina 96 93 10,190 64.7
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 93 93 7,030 59.1
Flag of Greece Greece 92 92 18,770 76.1
Flag of Malaysia Malaysia 92 92 29,570 78.5
Flag of Republic of Ireland Republic of Ireland 93 92 8,500 52.1
Flag of Brunei Brunei 92* 91* 19,210 50.8
Flag of Cambodia Cambodia 89* 91* 1,970 28.6
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 92* 91* 18,650 67.6
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 97* 91 10,190 65.4
Flag of Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia 93* 91* 6,420 54.4
Flag of Thailand Thailand 91 91 6,890 50.3
Flag of Albania Albania 90* 90* 4,960 51.2
Flag of Bermuda Bermuda N/A 90 36,000 75.8
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina N/A 90* 5,800 51.4
Flag of Chile Chile 93* 90 9,420 59.5
Flag of Croatia Croatia 90 90 10,000 61.7
Flag of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 87* 90* 1,560 48.1
Flag of Turkey Turkey 90 90 6,300 50.2
Flag of Cook Islands Cook Islands N/A 89 5,000 45.7
Flag of Costa Rica Costa Rica 91* 89* 8,650 53.7
Flag of Laos Laos 89* 89 1,660 24.9
Flag of Mauritius Mauritius 81* 89 10,820 52.2
Flag of Serbia Serbia 93* 89 2,300 53.8
Flag of Suriname Suriname 89 89 6,590 50.6
Flag of Ecuador Ecuador 80 88 3,340 47.4
Flag of Mexico Mexico 87 88 8,800 52.9
Flag of Samoa Samoa 87 88 5,570 49.7
Flag of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 87* 87* 3,010 47.2
Flag of Bolivia Bolivia 85* 87 2,390 49.7
Flag of Brazil Brazil 87 87 7,450 51.1
Flag of East Timor East Timor N/A 87* 3,940 46.7
Flag of Guyana Guyana 84* 87* 3,070 40.2
Flag of Indonesia Indonesia 89 87 1,600 28.1
Flag of Iraq Iraq 87 87 1,027 30.7
Flag of Myanmar Myanmar 86* 87* 930 42.4
Flag of Tajikistan Tajikistan 87* 87* 1,640 27.5
Flag of Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 87* 87* 4,780 41.7
Flag of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 87* 87* 1,640 39.4
Flag of Kuwait Kuwait 83* 86 17,780 49.9
Flag of Philippines Philippines 86 86 4,450 51.6
Flag of Seychelles Seychelles 81* 86* 18,232 60.6
Flag of Tonga Tonga 87 86 6,820 40.5
Flag of Cuba Cuba 85 85 5,259 46.2
Flag of Fiji Fiji 84 85 5,330 51.9
Flag of Kiribati Kiribati 84* 85* 800 37.1
Flag of New Caledonia New Caledonia N/A 85 21,960 54.9
Flag of Peru Peru 90 85 4,880 49.2
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 80* 85* 9,000 52
Flag of Yemen Yemen 83* 85 800 24.5
Flag of Afghanistan Afghanistan 83* 84* 700 13.2
Flag of Belize Belize 83* 84* 15,960 56.1
Flag of Colombia Colombia 88 84 5,490 44.2
Flag of Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia 84* 84* 6,150 48.4
Flag of Iran Iran 84 84 6,690 40.2
Flag of Jordan Jordan 87* 84 4,180 43.4
Flag of Marshall Islands Marshall Islands 84 84 1,600 44.2
Flag of Morocco Morocco 85 84 2,000 39.9
Flag of Pakistan Pakistan 81* 84 3,730 31.7
Flag of Panama Panama 84* 84* 1,960 26.2
Flag of Paraguay Paraguay 85* 84 6,060 56.6
Flag of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 84 84 4,590 45.2
Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 83* 84* 15,800 63.6
Flag of Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 84* 84* 12,660 44.1
Flag of The Bahamas The Bahamas 78* 84* 1,590 41.5
Flag of United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 83* 84* 24,030 48.8
Flag of Vanuatu Vanuatu 84* 84* 2,850 31.4
Flag of Venezuela Venezuela 88* 84 5,220 47.4
Flag of Algeria Algeria 84* 83* 5,530 39.9
Flag of Bahrain Bahrain 83* 83* 16,190 49.3
Flag of Libya Libya 84* 83* 7,570 49.3
Flag of Oman Oman 83* 83* 13,000 40.6
Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 84* 83 2,180 38.4
Flag of Syria Syria 87* 83 34,700 38.9
Flag of Tunisia Tunisia 84* 83* 6,440 40.6
Flag of Bangladesh Bangladesh 81* 82* 1,720 29.8
Flag of Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 84* 82 6,270 46.8
Flag of India India 81 82 2,650 36.3
Flag of Lebanon Lebanon 86 82 4,600 55.8
Flag of Madagascar Madagascar 79* 82 730 28.6
Flag of Egypt Egypt 83 81 3,810 37.3
Flag of Honduras Honduras 84* 81 2,540 41.9
Flag of Maldives Maldives 81* 81* 4,798 38.5
Flag of Nicaragua Nicaragua 84* 81* 2,350 41.3
Flag of Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands N/A 81 12,500 51.3
Flag of Barbados Barbados 78 80 14,660 60.9
Flag of Bhutan Bhutan 78* 80* 1,969 24.1
Flag of El Salvador El Salvador 84* 80* 4,790 42.6
Flag of Guatemala Guatemala 79 79 4,040 34.6
Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 81* 79 3,510 47.7
Flag of Nepal Nepal 78 78 1,370 26.9
Flag of Qatar Qatar 78 78 19,844 45.6
Flag of Comoros Comoros 79* 77* 1,640 24.6
Flag of Cape Verde Cape Verde 78* 76* 4,920 40.5
Flag of Mauritania Mauritania 73* 76* 1,790 20.5
Flag of Uganda Uganda 73 73 1,360 25.4
Flag of Kenya Kenya 72 72 1,010 27.3
Flag of South Africa South Africa 72 72 9,810 38.3
Flag of Tanzania Tanzania 72 72 580 23.2
Flag of Ghana Ghana 71 71 2,080 33.7
Flag of Grenada Grenada 75* 71* 6,600 45.3
Flag of Jamaica Jamaica 72 71 3,680 46.5
Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 75* 71 5,190 48.4
Flag of Sudan Sudan 72 71 1,740 24.6
Flag of Zambia Zambia 77 71 800 21.8
Flag of Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 75* 70* 10,390 53.2
Flag of Benin Benin 69* 70* 1,060 20.5
Flag of Botswana Botswana 72* 70* 7,740 29.4
Flag of Namibia Namibia 72* 70* 6,880 31.1
Flag of Rwanda Rwanda 70* 70* 1,260 18.5
Flag of Togo Togo 69* 70* 1,450 26
Flag of Burundi Burundi 70* 69* 630 15.2
Flag of Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 71* 69* 1,450 18.1
Flag of Malawi Malawi 71* 69* 570 24.3
Flag of Mali Mali 68* 69* 840 13.4
Flag of Niger Niger 67* 69* 800 13.5
Flag of Nigeria Nigeria 67 69 800 27.3
Flag of Angola Angola 69* 68* 1,840 13.7
Flag of Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 66* 68* 1,090 10.7
Flag of Chad Chad 72* 68* 1,010 20.4
Flag of Djibouti Djibouti 68* 68* 2,040 22
Flag of Eritrea Eritrea 68* 68* 1,040 21.4
Flag of Somalia Somalia 68* 68* 500 15.2
Flag of Swaziland Swaziland 72* 68* 4,730 22.2
Flag of Dominica Dominica 75* 67 4,960 48.8
Flag of Guinea Guinea 63 67 2,060 22.5
Flag of Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 63* 67* 680 20.3
Flag of Haiti Haiti 72* 67* 1,610 20.4
Flag of Lesotho Lesotho 72* 67* 2,970 24.3
Flag of Liberia Liberia 64* 67* 1,000 21.2
Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis 75* 67* 10,750 45.5
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe 59* 67* 1,317 37.9
Flag of Senegal Senegal 64* 66* 1,660 20.7
Flag of The Gambia Gambia 64* 66* 1,540 21.3
Flag of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 66 66 2,180 25.2
Flag of Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo 73 65 630 17.9
Flag of Cameroon Cameroon 70* 64 1,910 23.1
Flag of Central African Republic Central African Republic 68* 64 1,170 19.1
Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 65 64 700 26.9
Flag of Ethiopia Ethiopia 63 64 780 16.7
Flag of Gabon Gabon 66* 64* 5,530 32.2
Flag of Mozambique Mozambique 72* 64 990 18
Flag of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 64 64 500 13.8
Flag of Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 75* 62 4,950 51.1
Flag of Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea 59 59 9,100 30.4

"*" Denotes estimated National IQ.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (2006). IQ and Global Inequality. Washington Summit Publishers: Augusta, GA. ISBN 1593680252
  2. ^ Lynn, R. and Vanhanen, T. (2002). IQ and the wealth of nations. Westport, CT: Praeger. ISBN 0-275-97510-X