From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IPL is a three-letter abbreviation with multiple meanings, including:
- Iran's Premier Football League, Iran's Highest Football (Soccer) League.
- IBM Public License, The IBM Public License.
- Intense pulsed light, an epilation method.
- Instituto Politécnico Loyola, Loyola Polytechnic Institute located in San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic
- Information Processing Language.
- Initial Program Load, a term sometimes used in place of booting up, especially when discussing mainframes built by IBM and others.
- iPodLinux, a port of uClinux to Apple's iPod
- Interrupt priority level, a term used in computer science to distinguish which input/output devices can be serviced by interrupting the running program.
- Internet Public Library.
- Indianapolis Power & Light, an electric utility company in Indianapolis, Indiana
- Internet provocation learning
- Intel Image Processing Library
- Integrated Poultry Limited a Newfoundland, Canada chicken processing conglomerate.
- Intermec Printer Language a proprietary communications protocol used by Intermec barcode printers.
- Imperial County Airport (IATA code: IPL), a public airport near Imperial, California