Invisible disability

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An invisible disability is a disability that is not (always) immediately apparent to casual observers; that is, it is not visible to the naked eye.


[edit] Examples

"The term [1]Invisible Disabilities refers a person's symptoms such as extreme fatigue, dizziness, pain, weakness, cognitive impairments, etc. that are sometimes or always debilitating. These symptoms can occur due to chronic illness, chronic pain, injury, birth disorders, etc. and are not always obvious to the onlooker. A person can have an invisible disability whether or not they have a 'visible' impairment or use an assistive device like a wheelchair, walker, cane, etc. For example, whether or not a person utilizes an assisitive device, if they are restricted or limited by debilitating pain, fatigue, cognitive dysfunctions, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, etc. these symptoms are their invisible disabilities." [2] The Invisible Disabilities Advocate.

Those with joint problems may not use mobility aids on good days or at all. A sitting disability is another category of invisible impairments. Sitting problems are usually caused by chronic back pain. Invisible disabilities can also include chronic illnesses such as renal failure and diabetes. Some people with visual or auditory impairments who do not wear glasses or hearing aids may not be obviously impaired. (Some may wear contacts or have a cochlear implant instead.) Other examples include Asperger syndrome, attentional/focus disorders (ADD/ADHD), brain injuries, chronic pain chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivities, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, and repetitive stress injuries.

For more information visit the web site for National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. It is held annually in September, and is a designated time, worldwide, in which people who live with chronic illness, those that love them, and organizations are encouraged to educate the general public, churches, healthcare professionals and government officials about the impact of living with a chronic illness that is not visually apparent.

[edit] Interesting Statistics

+ Nearly 1 in 2 Americans (133 million) has a chronic condition

(Source: Chronic Care in America: A 21st Century Challenge, a study of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & Partnership for Solutions: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (September 2004 Update). "Chronic Conditions: Making the Case for Ongoing Care".)

+ That number is projected to increase by more than one percent per year by 2030, resulting in an estimated chronically ill population of 171 million. (Source: ibid)

+ 96% of them live with an illness that is invisible. These people do no use a cane or any assistive device and may look perfectly healthy. (Source: 2002 US Census Bureau)

+ Sixty percent are between the ages of 18 and 64 (Source: Chronic Care in America: A 21st Century Challenge, a study of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.)

+ 90% of seniors have at least one chronic disease and 77% have two or more chronic diseases (Source: The Growing Burden of Chronic Disease in American, Public Heal Reports / May–June 2004 / Volume 119, Gerard Anderson, PhD)

[edit] AutoImmune Disabilities

[edit] Chronic Pain Disabilities

[edit] Dietary Disabilities

[edit] Neurologicial Disabilities

[edit] Psychiatric Disabilities

People with psychiatric disabilities make up a large segment of the invisibly-disabled population covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Examples include:

[edit] Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Often referred to as an environmental illness. "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a mild to severe allergic, asthmatic, immunologic and/or neurological reaction to synthetic substances such as perfumes, colognes, fragrances, cleaning products, paints, stains, adhesives, plastics, upholstery, pesticides, etc" -[3] The Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign. Several cities now issue statements requesting that one limit the use of personal fragrances when attending a public function in order to make public space more accessible to individuals with this disability.

[edit] Invisible Disabilities Resources

National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, held annually in September -

But You LOOK Good! (Booklet to help people understand ID's)

Why Can't I Make People Understand? Discovering the validation those with chronic illness seek and why (Book, by Lisa Copen)

The Invisible Disabilities Advocate

The Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign (MCS)

Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend (Book, by Lisa Copen)

Just Fine: Unmasking Concealed Chronic Illness and Pain (Book, by Carol Sveilich)

[edit] Discrimination

Whereas with a visible disability, people may be too willing to "help" or interfere, those with invisible disabilities must seek out any help or risk going without assistance. However, those with invisible disabilities are often still covered by disability law.

Persons with these kinds of disabilities are often accused of faking or imagining their disabilities. People can also misunderstand and sometimes mistake illness or impairment as something else. For instance, one might feel animosity towards a person who takes a lift/elevator up one floor, by assuming they are lazy, without realising that the person has an unobvious disability which makes it difficult for them to climb stairs (such as a knee problem or lack of depth perception).

[edit] See also

[edit] Reference

  • Switzer, Jacqueline Vaughn. Disabled Rights: American Disability Policy and the Fight for Equality. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003.
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