Deus Ex: Invisible War characters

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This is a guide to the characters in the video game Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Tarsus Academy/ApostleCorp members

[edit] J.C. Denton

J.C. Denton
J.C. Denton

The Protagonist of the original Deus Ex, J.C. Denton becomes central to the plot of Invisible War later in the game.

Main article: JC Denton

[edit] Paul Denton

Paul Denton
Paul Denton

Paul Denton is the older "brother" of J.C.; his DNA was used by MJ-12 to clone J.C.. He was a former agent of UNATCO, and one of the founding members of ApostleCorp.

Main article: Paul Denton

[edit] Tracer Tong

Tracer Tong is a powerful member of the Luminous Path Triads in Hong Kong, and a danger to the Illuminati, and its splinter group, MJ-12. The group saw him as a threat and ordered Paul and J.C., through their superiors at UNATCO, to kill him. By this time, however, both had defected and helped Tong and his work.

Tong contributed greatly to the resistance against MJ-12. He ordered JC to steal the schematic of the Dragons tooth sword form the MJ-12 VersaLife facility in Hong Kong so that they could arm opponents of MJ-12. He also aided the research into the cure for the Grey Death virus along with Morgan Everette and Dr Gary Savage. He was key in influencing J.C. into initiating the Great Collapse at Area 51. Tong believed the end of global communications would bring about a new enlightenment age of small government, and local city-states free from the control of secret, global superpowers such as the MJ-12. Instead, the Great Collapse brought about a period of global chaos, anarchy, and warfare. In conversation with Alex Denton, Tracer displays a degree of regret regarding his actions. The Denton brothers would found ApostleCorp with the goal of finding a less destructive route towards the advance of humanity and its freedom.

In Invisible War, Tong is the director of the ApostleCorp Trier facility in Germany. When the complex is attacked by Templars, he is forced to flee. He eventually meets with Alex in the Nine Worlds Tavern in Trier, where he reveals to Alex the truth about ApostleCorp, J.C. Denton, and Alex's true origin and purpose. At the showdown on Liberty Island, Tong brings a small detachment of robots to aid J.C. against the Templar and Illuminati armies.

Main article: Tracer Tong

[edit] Dr. Leila Nassif

Dr. Leila Nassif
Dr. Leila Nassif

Dr. Leila Nassif was born into poverty in Cairo. At the age of six, she was accepted to a local Tarsus Elementary school program thanks to a need-based scholarship. She thrived under the Tarsus program, and over the next twenty-two years completed an education that culminated in an MS degree in Administrative Science and a medical degree from Seville Medical Center, with certifications in biomodification and psychology. After four years as assistant administrator of the Quito Reconstructive Therapy Center, she was offered her current position as Coordinator of the Seattle Advanced Training Facility.

Despite her youth, Dr. Nassif has shown herself to be fully qualified for her position. Attractive, personable and highly empathic, Dr. Nassif has earned the loyalty and affection of her students. Having herself benefited extensively from Tarsus-backed scholarship programs, she closely identifies with the experiences of her residents.

She is a member of ApostleCorp, and is project leader of Tarsus' secret biomodification experiments. After the attack on Tarsus Academy in Seattle, the trainees are ordered to escape and then regroup with her when she contacts them. None of the students do so however, as she never gave them the orders. She flees to Cairo, leaving the Project Director Stan Carnegie in control of the Mako Ballistics facility. Wanted dead or alive by the Illuminati, WTO, Order, and Templars, Nassif spends most of the game on the run. She is pursued by Alex D, because Alex sees her as the one person who can reveal the truth. When Alex finally catches up with her, she tells Alex the truth about Tarsus and what its real purpose is: to create a suitable match between human DNA and nanite biomodification to help revive J.C. Denton.

Coming from a poor Egyptian family living in the Cairo Medina, Nassif has seen the inequality and injustice brought about by WTO/Illuminati policy, and joined ApostleCorp in an attempt to bring an end to human suffering.

Alex and Klara Sparks track her down to the ApostleCorp facility in the New Cairo Arcology, where the player is given the option of killing her or interrogating her.

[edit] Stan Carnegie

Stan Carnegie
Stan Carnegie

Stan Carnegie is the Director of the Chicago Tarsus Academy, and a member of ApostleCorp. He and Leila Nassif are shown discussing the "invisible war" in the game's opening movie. He remains behind at Apostlecorp's undercover cell at Mako Ballistics while Nassif flees to Cairo. He gives the Tarsus students the order "to run" during the game's opening cinematic sequence, as Chicago is destroyed by an agent of Saman using a nanite bomb. Alex meets up with him later at Mako Ballistics, where he reveals some information about the true purpose of ApostleCorp.

It is possible that Stan is "Wade Walker", the undeveloped clone of Walton Simons seen in Deus Ex. Although Stan appears older and has a beard, he has the same distinct low voice as Simons, and is voiced by Deus Ex developer Tom Hall.

[edit] WTO members

[edit] Donna Morgan

WTO Security Chief Donna Morgan
WTO Security Chief Donna Morgan

A British citizen, Donna Morgan climbed the ranks of the WTO at a young age to become its Chief of Operations Worldwide. She treats Alex as a WTO operative, and issues Alex mission objectives from the WTO and Chairman Dumier.

Loyal to a fault, Donna Morgan believes in the economic stability and prosperity brought about by the WTO. She strongly opposes The Order and their religious fanaticism. Later, she is shocked when she learns the WTO and The Order are both part of, and controlled by Illuminati. Despite being a powerful member of the WTO, she was not informed of this fact. Eventually, she comes to terms, and joins the Illuminati on an offer from Nicolette Duclare and Chad Dumier. She personally detains WTO operative Klara Sparks when she (Sparks) disappoints Dumier, and holds her hostage if Alex disobeys Dumier. Alex has the possibility of charging her location and killing her, freeing Klara Sparks. When he does this, Chad Dumier responds that he was only bluffing that they would not have executed Klara if Alex disobeyed the Illuminati, albeit lying.

[edit] The Order members

[edit] Lin-May Chen

Lin-May Chen
Lin-May Chen

High Augur of the Order Church and second in command to Her Holiness, Nicolette Duclare. Lin-May Chen is charged by her Holiness to launch an investigation into biomodification; thus, she masterminds the raid on the Tarsus Academy/ApostleCorp facility in Upper Seattle, freeing the trainees. Lin-May Chen is also responsible for convincing Alex to ally with the Order, as well as providing Alex with mission objectives for The Order.

Lin-May Chen is supposedly the illegitimate daughter of Maggie Chow and Max Chen. (Note: This, however, may present problems with the story of Deus Ex- with the player practically forced to kill Maggie Chow in the confrontation at VersaLife, and JC Denton revealing to Max Chen that she had been working for the Illuminati and was the person who killed the previous leader of the Red Arrow Triad. This, combined with her efforts to begin a war between the Red Arrow and the Luminous Path, caused both Max Chen and Gordon Quick to despise her quite heatedly. Assuming Lin-May Chen was born after those events. It is also possible she was born before the events in the original Deus Ex) as Gordon Quick's journal within the game states that he's in love with the daughter of the Red Arrow Dragon Head, Max Chen. It is unclear whether he is talking about Lin-May Chen, however. She grew up in post-Collapse Hong Kong, and was one of Her Holiness' first disciples when The Order church was formed. Due to her parents' involvement with MJ-12, Chen vowed never to dedicate her life to a dubious or deceitful cause, and fervently believes The Order's ideals are noble.

When the player reaches the end of the Trier section, Alex may choose to devastate Chen through the truth or preserve her faith with a lie. Like Donna Morgan, she is appalled if she discovers The Order is merely a front for the Illuminati. Due to her feelings about her parents' relation with MJ-12, she eventually dedicates herself to opposing the Illuminati, instead of joining it like Donna Morgan does. When Alex revisits Cairo, Chen is there in the Medina, preaching against Her Holiness' lies on the street, and attempting to expose the masses to the truth.

If Alex does not tell her the truth about the Illuminati, she can still be found in the Medina, but this time affirming the faith of those listening to her Holiness speak.

[edit] Knights Templar members

[edit] Luminon / Grand Master Saman

Luminon Saman
Luminon Saman

Saman is the leader of the Knights Templar. He speaks in a philosophical manner, often using archaic analogies and biblical allegories, such as referring to Alex as the "Young Pliable". He believes all Templars are expendable to achieve the purification of humanity, and that the Templars will die for their cause. He has an extremely forceful and charismatic personality, having converted many Order followers to his cause, turned Billie Adams against her own best friends, and even managing to get the better of John Steed's obnoxious "Talk Bullet" political pundit.

Saman believes heavily in the "purification" of the human race through cleaning the world of biomodification, and will go to any lengths to achieve it. It is Saman who is responsible for the terrorist attack on Chicago, destroying an entire city and potentially killing 7 million people to destroy one ApostleCorp facility.

Saman witnessed the world's descent into anarchy following the Great Collapse. He was one of the first individuals to be recruited into the newly founded Order religion, and became a high ranking Luminon in charge of the Order Shard in Trier, Germany. He would become disillusioned with the Order and its leader, Her Holiness. He covertly formed the Knights Templar, and took the title Grand Master of The Knights Templar. As the Grand Master, Saman conceals his identity and continued to operate as an Order Luminon, concurrently diverting resources and intelligence to the Templars. He secretly influenced his Order followers into developing extremist beliefs aligned with the Templars'. As a Luminon, Saman calls for stricter interpretation of the Order's original scripture, opposing perceived compromises made by Her Holiness towards the materialistic and global symbol the WTO represents.

Saman had learnt the truth about the Illuminati, the Helios A.I., and the Aquinas Protocol. It is possible he began to turn against Her Holiness and The Order at the same time he gained this knowledge.

In the game's finale at Liberty Island, Saman is the only leader who actively pursues and attempts to kill Alex if the player ends up opposing his faction. Saman is incredibly tough, able to survive as much damage as biomodified agents like Billie Adams or Paul Denton.

[edit] Illuminati members

[edit] Chad Dumier

Chad Dumier
Chad Dumier

Chad Dumier is joint leader of the Illuminati, along with his mistress Nicolette Duclare. In his early years, during Deus Ex, Chad was the leader of the French revolutionary group "Silhouette". The group was vocally opposed to the MJ-12 conspiracy and the totalitarian, globalized dictatorship they represented. After the chaos of the Great Collapse and the destruction of MJ-12 along with all other world governments, Chad abandoned his idealistic anti-establishment philosophy and joined the Illuminati, and became the group's main leader.

In public, Chad is recognized as Chairman of the WTO and the most powerful man in the known post-Collapse world. Through total control of all major media outlets, he broadcasts a message of globalization and controlled economic development. Since he and Nicolette are unable to conceive children, Chad is looking for a gifted protege to train as his successor, and takes Klara Sparks, and then Alex D. under his wing. However, Chad is also a ruthless and demanding figure, and does not hesitate to threaten and even to kill his underlings if they disappoint him . He detains and eventually tries to execute Klara Sparks when she develops pacifist feelings, and uses Klara as a hostage to get Alex D. to do his bidding. Chad also does not hesitate to swiftly and mercilessly silence those who stand in the way of the Illuminati's goals, whether they be world-altering entities like J.C. Denton, or merely inconvenient coffee shop owners who learn more than they should know.

[edit] Nicolette Duclare

Nicolette Duclare
Nicolette Duclare

Nicolette Duclare is the joint leader of The Illuminati, along with her lover Chad Dumier. Nicolette is the daughter of prominent Illuminati member Beth Duclare, who was killed by MJ-12 prior to the first Deus Ex. In her youth, Nicolette was a rebellious teen who joined the Silhouette revolutionary group and fell in love with Chad Dumier. Like Chad, she provided assistance to J.C. Denton in his original mission to bring down the MJ-12 conspiracy.

Although she originally rejected her mother's Illuminati philosophies, Nicolette was affected deeply by the events of the Great Collapse, and would use her mother's Illuminati connections to join and eventually gain control of the organization. Her goal was to reshape the world in the wake of the chaos caused by the Collapse. In public, Nicolette poses as "Her Holiness", the leader and figurehead of The Order. Nicolette and Chad have been unable to conceive children and so are unable to continue their family bloodline for The Illuminati, an aristocratic society which has traditionally passed down power along family lines.

[edit] The Trainees

These are the Tarsus trainees of the Seattle facility. They are all loyal to Tarsus in the first level of the game, and all manage to escape safely when the Academy is attacked by the Order. They all learn of the true purpose of Tarsus, and each goes their separate way. The player can choose which path he/she (Alex) follows.

[edit] Billie Adams

Billie Adams
Billie Adams

Alex's best friend and only other surviving member of the Chicago Tarsus Academy. Billie is an agent of the Order Church and is the first student to learn of Tarsus' true purpose, and knows of the attack on the Academy beforehand. After escaping the raid on the Seattle Tarsus facility she is ordered by High Auger Lin-May Chen to go to Cairo, to investigate a possible cover up over a nanite plague cure, where she meets Luminon Saman. He recruits her into the Knights Templar, where she develops a zealous hatred of the biomodified. Alex meets her in JC's sanctuary where she tries to kill her old best friend, if the player stops her from killing JC. The player can kill her, or knock her out or escape without confrontation. If left alive, she will appear later on in the UNATCO HQ, and will be hostile or friendly depending on your past actions dealing with Templars.

[edit] Leo Jankowski

Leo Jankowski
Leo Jankowski

The most physically able of the trainees, Leo is very arrogant and can be bigheaded. He doesn't really care much about who he works for, as long as he gets paid. Beneath his enormous ego however is a more reasonable normal person, as proven when he is almost subjected to "Phase II" of the Omar biomodification regimen. The thought of becoming an Omar completely terrifies Leo and makes him much more humble. After leaving Tarsus, Alex meets Leo in "The Greasel Pit" bar in Lower Seattle. He reveals he has been employed as a bodyguard for the Omar in Cairo. The player meets him again in Cairo and on the return to Cairo, with the option to aid him several times, making him one of the strongest allies in the game. He goes with Alex to Liberty Island and is the only person who is a guaranteed ally. However, siding with Leo at the end is ironically siding with the Omar, despite the objections he had to becoming one of them. Given the fact that Leo's advice ends up helping the Omar immensely, it is possible he did go through Phase II, the Omar mimicked his voice, and lied to Alex to convince him to hand the world to the Omar unwittingly.

[edit] Klara Sparks

Klara Sparks
Klara Sparks

The smartest member of the trainees, but extremely naive. She turns to the WTO after leaving Tarsus, where she gets a security assignment, which is all she wanted anyway. She aids Alex in invading the ApostleCorp facility in the Cairo arcology. On returning to Cairo, she is found being held hostage by Donna Morgan in the nanotransformer room and will be executed unless Alex does exactly as Dumier says. The player is given the option of letting her be executed, doing as Dumier wishes, or rescuing her by killing (or knocking out) Donna Morgan. She does not continue her life as a trainee if rescued, saying that she has had enough of the mercenary life.