Talk:International Space Settlement Design Competition

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[edit] Help

  • I would appreciate any Spaceset members to help me expand this article. Thanks! Typer 525 17:47, 1 February 2006 (UTC) (Whitney High Spaceset member)
  • Oh it would be nice if we listed who won the "contract" for each colony/competition. Thanks in advance. Typer525 00:54, 1 April 2006 (UTC)
  • I would just like to note, if someone can make a list of the winners of the competition, the winning team for 2004 was Edgewater/Budha Dal, I'm not sure of any of the winners before that. Also, this competition is known to many of the teams as ISSDC (the acronym for the competition) and most of people working for the competition have called it this in recent years - Tempus Aerospace ISSDC member.
Thanks, 2004 was for Bellavistat right? I can't remember which year with which colony. Typer525 Contact 19:48, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
2005 was Columbiat (qualifying) and Balderol at Finals, while 2004 was Bellevistat for qualifying and Alaskol at finals. I know that they have also used colonies in the asteroid belt in the past, and they reuse all of the settlements so many years, though, they do change the purposes of the station when they use the name again. Does anyone have a more complete list? -- 12:26, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
I do not, I could ask the more senior members in my team. We must spread the news of a Wikipedia page on ISSDC to the everyone we know!Typer525 Contact 14:29, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
2003 and 2002 were Whitney/Clear Creek and Whitney/Durango, I believe. 2001 was Whitney/Vienna. Ask Mrs. Bruesch at Whitney High if you really want to know, she was the advisor for Whitney's team from real early up until something like 3 years ago. Qualifying proposals have included the asteroid belt, before. (Someone add all this to the main article, I'm too lazy to.) Did someone make sure to mention Anita Gale and Dick Edwards?

[edit] 2005-2006 Competition

  • It was just announced that the competition will be in Houston, Texas this year. I would much rather have it at Kennedy, but atleast this will prevent the chaos from last year. -- 23:33, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
Really? Well, I haven't heard about that...Typer525 Contact 23:58, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
yeah, we just heard about it today. with the problems they had last year in having it at Kennedy, and then having it at the Holiday Inn/Randolf Inn, they must of decided just to stay in Houston. My school is in Florida, so a 35 min. drive is a lot closer comparatively, if we make it.-- 00:29, 29 April 2006 (UTC)

Whitney just heard from the judges, we are going to Flor...Texas (LOL). Of course, I am not surprised, we have made it for the last oh...10 something years... --Typer525 Contact 01:34, 5 May 2006 (UTC)

Yay!!! I a was just told that I could be one of the 12 people from Whitney going. *Dances with joy* --Typer525 Talk Click here at your own risk 17:02, 14 May 2006 (UTC)
It is going to be at Houston from now on? Really? --Typer525 Talk Click here at your own risk 03:07, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
from what I heard from the organizer of the competition, it was moved because of the additional possibility to get bumped from the space center in future years because of a launch (like last year) and the hotel that the teams normally stay at recently went out of business.

[edit] Pics

  • Oh can anyone get a picture? The ones on the website are too large and low quality. And I can't get to the ones that the Whitney Team has (not at the moment at least) --Typer525 Contact 02:26, 29 April 2006 (UTC)
This sucks, I just remembered that the Whitney Team does not use their forum to update anymore (we use flash drives...) --Typer525 Talk Click here at your own risk 04:28, 20 May 2006 (UTC)
  • what kind of picture? Like one of the competition itself or just a space settlement picture?