Internet Engineering Steering Group

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The Internet Engineering Steering Group is a body composed of the Internet Engineering Task Force Chair and Area Directors:

  • Applications Area (app)
  • Internet Area (int)
  • Operations & Network Management Area (ops)
  • Routing Area (rtg)
  • Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area (rai)
  • Security Area (sec)
  • Transport Area (tsv)

and Liaison and Ex-officio Members:

  • IAB Chair and Liaison
  • IETF Executive Director
  • IANA liaison and
  • RFC Editor liaison.

It provides the final technical review of Internet standards and is responsible for day-to-day management of the IETF. It receives appeals of the decisions of the working groups, and the IESG makes the decision to progress documents in the standards track.

[edit] Current IESG members

  • Operations & Management Area (ops)
  • Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area (rai)
  • Security Area (sec)
    • Sam Hartman, MIT
    • Russ Housley, Vigil Security
  • Transport Area (tsv)
    • Lars Eggert, NEC Network Laboratories
    • Magnus Westerlund, Ericsson
  • Liaison and Ex-officio Members
    • Leslie Daigle, Cisco Systems - IAB Chair
    • Barbara Fuller, NeuStar Secretariat Services - IETF Executive Director
    • Michelle Cotton, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - IANA liaison
    • Sandy Ginoza, USC/ISI - RFC Editor liaison
    • Dave Meyer, Cisco/University of Oregon - IAB liaison

[edit] External link