International Telecom Sync Forum

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Charles Curry founded the International Telecom Sync Forum (ITSF) in 2001, bringing together a group of industry experts to emulate, from a European perspective, the US Workshop on Sync in Telecommunication Systems (WSTS) held annually in Boulder, Colorado at NIST.

The first ITSF workshop took place in March 2001 in London. Although originally conceived as an annual event, the severe recession in the telecom sector meant that the 2002, and 2003 workshops were cancelled. Resurrected in 2004, ITSF was hosted by The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) at its Savoy Place HQ in London, and again in 2005.

In 2006 the workshop took place in Prague and in 2007 the workshop returns to Savoy Place in London on 13th -16th November.