International Romani Union

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Official Roma flag
Official Roma flag

The International Romani Union (Romani: Romano Internacionalno Jekhetani Union) is an organization active for the rights of the Roma people. Its seat is in Prague.

The IRU was officially established at the second World Romani Congress in 1978. Since 2000, the president has been Emil Ščuka, before him Rajko Djuric had this office for many years. The Spanish organisation Union Romani is affiliated with the International Romani Union.


[edit] Stated goals and objectives

  • To be the political representation of all Roma in the world (Sinti, Lovari, Ashkali, Chorichani, Romungro, Vlax, Manush, etc.), and to act in the best interests of the Romani nation.
  • To develop the cultural traditions, customs and language of the Romani.
  • To cooperate in solving the economic, social, cultural, educational, and humanitarian problems of the Romani in each of the individual countries in which they live.
  • To serve as a centre for observing the activities of individual countries in achieving these goals.
  • To enforce and strengthen regard for human rights and fundamental liberties for all irrespective of race, sex, language or religion.

[edit] Size, composition, representativeness

The members of the IRU are the following: Albania, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Brazil,Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine. Any Romani organization from the member countries may acquire membership in the IRU.

The Congress of the IRU is composed of delegates from the individual member organizations, honorary members and other members. Each member country is represented by member of delegates corresponding to the total number of Romani inhabitants of respective countries.

Each member country of the IRU has one representative and one substitute in the Parliament.

[edit] Functions and working methods

The IRU functions though the following bodies: Congress, Parliament, Presidium, Court of Justice. The Congress approves the Programme and the long-term vision of the IRU. It makes recommendations with a view to supporting the participation of the Romani in individual countries in the fields of politics, economy, social affairs, culture, education, as well as facilitating the respect of human rights and fundamental liberties for all irrespective of race, sex, language or religion.

The Parliament deals with the Reports of the situation of Romani populations in individual countries during its sessions. At its autumn session the Parliament discusses and approves the budget for the following calendar year. The Parliament defines the domestic as well as the international policy of the International Romani Union.

The Presidium is the executive body of the IRU and functions through commissions covering the following subjects: foreign policy, social and economic affairs, cultural and educational affairs, human rights, internal affairs, financial and budgetary matters, legal and legislative matters, issues relating to Central and Eastern Europe, issue relating to America, Asia and Australia. The Presidium may elaborate studies and reports of international Romani affairs in economic, social, cultural, educational and related areas or initiate elaboration of such reports as well as make recommendation in these areas to the IRU Parliament, the IRU President, individual countries and international organizations and institutions. The Presidium may make recommendations with the purpose of supporting respect fo human rights and fundamental liberties for all.

The Court of Justice is a body of independent judges, elected irrespective of their membership in the IRU from amongst persons of high moral integrity. The Court supervises all the members and bodies of the IRU and their observance of this Charter.

[edit] History

In 1959, Ionel Rotaru founded the The World Gypsy Community (CMG) in France. While members were mostly French, tho organization made contacts in Poland, Canada, Turkey, and other countries. When the French government dissolved the CMG in 1965, a breakaway group formed the International Gypsy Committee (IGC) under the leadership of Vanko Rouda. When the 1971 World Romani Congress adopted the self-appellation of "Roma" rather than gypsy, the IGC was renamed the Komiteto Lumniako Romano (International Rom Committee or IRC), and Rouda was re-confirmed as president. The Committee became a member of the Council of Europe the following year. The Committee was changed again at the 1978 World Romani Congress and given its present name. It was given consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council the following year. The Union became a member of UNICEF in 1986, and a member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in 1990. In 1993, it was promoted to Category II, Special Consultative Status at the United Nations.

[edit] Funding

The main source of income is the membership fees of the individual members, and member organizations.

[edit] Institutional links

The IRU has institutional links with: - the Council of Europe. - OSCE (ODHIR). - UNHCHR. - UNO - ERTF. The IRU has memorandum of understanding and cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and other countries with a view to the "continuous improvement of the situation and living conditions of the Roma.

[edit] References