International Municipal Signals Association (IMSA)

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The IMSA logo
The IMSA logo

The International Municipal Signals Association (IMSA) is one of the two main professional organizations contributing input to the Federal Highway Administration in revising and developing highway standards concerning traffic signals and control devices. Primarily these standards are represented by the most current edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

IMSA, through its members, also participates on national committees such as the National Electrical Safety Code Standards Committee, National Electrical Code (NEC), and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). IMSA is also designated as the FCC designated frequency coordinator for all public safety agencies.

Another function of IMSA is developing certification standards and training in the areas of Municipal Fire Alarm System Technician, Public Safety Dispatcher, Roadway Signs and Markings, Roadway Lighting, Traffic Signal Technician, and Work Zone Traffic Safety.

[edit] History

  • October 1896 (Brooklyn, New York) - Municipal signal men representing several cities met discussing and sharing knowledge in construction procedures and maintenance of signal systems. They formed the "International Association of Fire and Police Telegraph Superintendents."
  • 1900 - Changed name to the "International Association of Municipal Electricians" (I.A.M.E.).
  • August 31, 1913 - Charles Proteus Steinmetz was nominated and elected First Vice-President of the I.A.M.E. He held office until his death in October 1923.
  • 1921 - A group of signal superintendents from Connecticut formed an alternate group called the "Eastern Association of Superintendents of Fire and Police Telegraph." Later, as they grew in membership and recognition, they changed the name to the "New England Municipal Signal Association."
  • Early 1930’s - Several similar yet independent groups formed the "Associated Municipal Signal Services" (A.M.S.S.).
  • Mid 1930’s - I.A.M.E. and A.M.S.S. coexisted and grew. Many members belonged to both in addition to other state or local associations.
  • October 1935 (Richmond, Virginia) - I.A.M.E. consolidated the many independent associations, drafted by-laws and a new constitution, and changed the name to "National Municipal Signal Association" (N.M.S.A.). The lead member of each of the former associations was named to the Board of Directors.
  • September 1937 - Officially changed name to the "International Municipal Signal Association" (I.M.S.A.) due to membership growth outside of the USA.

[edit] External links

Examples of government agency requiring IMSA certification:

Examples of certification usage by state agencies in conjunction with higher education institutions: