International Monarchist League In Australia

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The International Monarchist League in Australia Limited, IMLIA, is an initiative of a group of Australians including those who are Life Members of the world’s leading monarchist organization, the International Monarchist League which was founded in London in 1943.

Convinced that constitutional monarchy is a proven, advanced and highly successful form of government providing a model for stable, democratic and unifying governance without parallel in the world, they saw the need for an organization in Australia to work closely with the International Monarchist League and also with other monarchist organizations elsewhere. Accordingly, one of the first acts of IMLIA was to propose and to enter into a formal association with the International Monarchist League, London.

To ensure compliance with the highest standards of corporate governance and financial propriety, and all aspects of taxation, charity and other law, IMLIA has been established as a company limited by guarantee and registered with the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC). The Chairman of the Board of Directors is a distinuished chartered accountant who has long been prominent in the constitutional monarchist movement in Australia, Mr Peter Cavanagh.

IMLIA was launched in June 2006 in the Dixson Room in the Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney, in the presence of a number of supporters of all ages. The keynote speaker, Professor David Flint presented a paper posted to the IMLIA site which seeks to demonstrate that constitutional monarchy is an ideal and proven system of governance in the world.

In addition to lectures, seminars and other events, and a [website], IMLIA has indicated that it will offer members, associates and supporters an attractive publications package. It is negotiating appropriate arrangements with the publishers of journals on monarchy, in particular with the International Monarchist League, and the London based [Constitutional Monarchy Association].

IMLIA was formed in the year in which the 60th anniversary of the world's longest reigning monarch, and the world’s longest-serving Head of State, was celebrated. His Majesty, King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, who succeeded to the throne of the Kingdom of Thailand on 9 June, 1946. His Majesty is revered by his subjects, and respected throughout the world.

To honour His Majesty, The International Monarchist League in Australia, in association with the International Monarchist League, London and in the distinguished presence of the Deputy Consul General of the Kingdom, marked the occasion with a dinner at the Union Club in Sydney on Thursday, 7 December, 2006.

Mr. Rex Morgan AM MBE, the founder of The Pittwater House Grammar School, one of Sydney’s leading schools, a member of the Committee of the Thai-Australia Association, and the Bangkok based Committee of the South East Asia Writer’s Award and a recipient of the Princess Sirindhorn Badge of Recognition, delivered an address in honour of H.M. The King, which was very well received. Mr. Morgan provided a fascinating display of photographs and memorabilia at the dinner.