International Federation of Translators

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The International Federation of Translators (FIT) is a worldwide organization, composed of the national translation organizations from over 60 countries. It represents over 100,000 translators worldwide.

FIT has earned the status of an official UNESCO consultative agency (NGO Category A).

The acronym FIT comes from the French-language version of the organization's name: Fédération internationale des traducteurs.


[edit] Objectives

Amongst other things, FIT aims to:

  • promote interaction and co-operation between translation associations
  • sponsor and facilitate the formation of translation associations in countries where they do not already exist
  • establish links with other organisations devoted to translation
  • inform and advise member organisations
  • promote training and research
  • promote harmonized professional standards
  • uphold the moral and material interests of translators world-wide
  • advocate and advance the recognition of the translation profession
  • enhance translators' status in society
  • promote the knowledge and appreciation of translation as both a science and an art.

[edit] List of FIT members (Europe & the Americas)

  • American Translators Association
  • Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council
  • Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters
  • Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
  • Literary Translators' Association of Canada
  • Cuban Association of Translators and Interpreters
  • Asociación Guatemalteca de Intérpretes y Tradutores
  • Organización Mexicana de Traductores Capítulo Occidente
  • Asociación Panameña de Traductores e Intérpretes
  • American Literary Translators Association
  • Österreichischer Übersetzer-und Dolmetscherverband "Universitas" (Austria)
  • Österreichischer Verband der Gerichtsdolmetscher (Austria)
  • Übersetzergemeinschaft im Literaturhaus, Interessengemeinschaft von Übersetzern literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Werke (Austria)
  • Belgische Kamer van Vertalers, Tolken en Filologen (Belgium)
  • Hrvatsko Društvo Znanstvenih i Tehnickih Prevoditelja (Croatia)
  • Pancyprian Union of Graduate Translators and Interpreters (Cyprus)
  • Jednota tlumocniku a prekladatelu (Czech Republic)
  • The Union of Communication and Language Professionals (Denmark)
  • Dansk Translatørforbund (Denmark)
  • Translatørforeningen - The Association of Danish Authorized Translators (Denmark)
  • Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liitto (Finland)
  • Société française des traducteurs
  • Union Nationale des Experts Traducteurs- Interprètes près les Cours d'Appel (France)
  • Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e. V. (Germany)
  • Assoziierte Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in Norddeutschland e. V. (Germany)
  • ATICOM e.V., Fachverband der Berufsübersetzer und Berufsdolmetscher e.V. (Germany)
  • Panhellenic Association of Translators (Greece)
  • Société hellénique des traducteurs de littérature (Greece)
  • Irish Translators' & Interpreters' Association
  • Associazione Italiana Traduttori ed Interpreti
  • Dutch Court Interpretes and Legal Translators Association
  • Nederlands Genootschap van Tolken en Vertalers
  • Norsk Oversetterforening (Norway)
  • Norsk Faglitteraer Forfatter- og Oversetterforening (Norway)
  • Statsautoriserte Translatørers Forening
  • TEPIS - Polish Society of Economic, Legal and Court Translators
  • Union of Translators of Russia
  • APTOS - Slovenská Spolo nost Prekladatel'ov Odbornej Literatury (Slovenia)
  • Drustvo Znanstvenih in Tehniskih Prevajalcev Slovenije (Slovenia)
  • Asociación Colegial de Escritores de Cataluña (Spain)
  • Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes (Spain)
  • Asociación Profesional de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes de Lengua Vasca (Spain)
  • Traductors i Interprets Associats Pro-Collegi (Spain)
  • Federation of Authorized Translators in Sweden
  • Swedish Association of Professional Translators
  • Association Suisse des Traducteurs, Terminologues et Interprètes (ASTTI)
  • Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru (Association of Welsh Translators and Interpreters)
  • Institute of Translation & Interpreting (UK)
  • The Translators Association (UK)
  • Association of Literary Translators of Serbia

[edit] See also

For a list of Candidate Members, Associate Members, and Members in Africa, Asia, and Oceania please refer to the FIT web-site.

[edit] External link

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