International Designator

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The International Designator (or NSSDC ID) is an international naming convention for satellites. It consists of the launch year, a 3-digit incrementing launch number of that year and up to a 3-letter code representing the sequential id of a piece in a launch. Only publicly known satellites are designated. Some military satellites are not cataloged and are not reflected in the "per year incrementing" launch number.

For example, 1957-001A is Sputnik 1's launch vehicle and 1957-001B is the actual Sputnik 1 satellite. The number reveals that it was launched in 1957 and that it was the first launch made that year. Another example is 1990-037B, the Hubble Space Telescope, which was the 37th known successful launch world wide in 1990. 1990-037A is the Space Shuttle Discovery on mission STS-31, which was to carry the Hubble telescope into space.

Launch failures are not given standard NSSDC IDs. They are instead cataloged with "arbitrary" designations, for example VAGSL1 for the satellite Vanguard SLV 1.

The catalog is administered by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC).

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