International Academy of Sex Research

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The International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) is a scientific society for researchers in sexology. IASR holds an annual meeting and publishes the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Richard Green was founding editor of Archives of Sexual Behavior in 1971. IASR was founded on 1 August 1973 with 53 charter members nominated by the journal's board.

The first annual IASR meeting was held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in September 1975. It was hosted by IASR founding president, Richard Green.

[edit] References

Green R (1985). The International Academy of Sex Research: In the beginning. Archives of Sexual Behavior 14: 293-302.

Green R (2001). A 30 years' thank you. Archives of Sexual Behavior 30: 633-637.

[edit] External links