International AIDS Conference

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The International AIDS Society is the custodian of the International AIDS Conferences, the paramount gathering of all disciplines in HIV/AIDS now held every two years. These prestigious conferences provide a unique forum for the interaction of science, community and leadership with the goal of bringing knowledge together for changes in the world's response to HIV/AIDS.

These conferences started in 1985 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. They were held annually until 1994 when they became biennial. Below is the list of conferences and their venue:

Year Number Venue Theme
1985 I Atlanta, GA, USA none
1986 II Paris, France none
1987 III Washington, D.C., USA none
1988 IV Stockholm, Sweden none
1989 V Montréal, Canada The Scientific and Social Challenge of AIDS
1990 VI San Francisco, CA, USA AIDS in the Nineties: From Science to Policy
1991 VII Florence, Italy Science Challenging AIDS
1992 VIII Amsterdam, The Netherlands A World United Against AIDS
1993 IX Berlin, Germany none
1994 X Yokohama, Japan The Global Challenge of AIDS: Together for the future
1996 XI Vancouver, Canada One World One Hope
1998 XII Geneva, Switzerland Bridging the Gap (Conference website)
2000 XIII Durban, South Africa Breaking the Silence
2002 XIV Barcelona, Spain Knowledge and Commitment for Action
2004 XV Bangkok, Thailand Access for All (Conference website)
2006 XVI Toronto, Canada Time to Deliver (Conference website)

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