Interactive European Grid

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The Interactive European Grid project (contract number 031857) started on 1 May, 2006 and will last for 24 months. The work takes place with the financial support of the European Community and identifies the Specific Research Program.

The objective of the project is the deployment of an advanced Grid empowered infrastructure in the European Research Area specifically oriented to support the execution of interactive demanding applications.

While guaranteeing interoperability with existing large e-Infrastructures like EGEE by providing basic common middleware services, the initiative will exploit the expertise generated by the EU CrossGrid project to provide researchers an interactive and simultaneous access to large distributed facilities through a friendly interface with powerful visualization.

The Interactive European Grid will focus on the support for remote interactive collaboration and the reinforcement of the global framework for operation of virtual organizations for research projects in areas like biomedicine, astronomy, environment, or physics. The infrastructure operation will benefit from certification and active security policies, and will include support for significant powerful architectures like multiprocessor or large RAM machines.

The consortium involves 13 leading institutions in 7 countries, with significant computing capacity and expertise in Grid technology.