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InterCitySlovenija (ICS) is a high-speed train, operated by Slovenske železnice, very similar to the Pendolino and Cisalpino of Italy. The train usually runs at 200 km/h. It is one of only two high-speed train services in Central and Eastern Europe - the other is the Czech Pendolino.
The ICS links the major cities of Slovenia in one line: Koper (only in summer), Ljubljana, Zidani Most, Celje and Maribor, with frequent service that acts as a high-speed shuttle. The train is made up of three cars: two 2nd class cars and one 1st class car. The trains provide disabled access, as well as a telephone and a snack bar. There is a smoking section in one of the 2nd class cars; the rest of the train is non-smoking.
The ICS reaches a maximum speed of only 140 km/h on the section between Ljubljana-Zalog and Ljubljana-Polje stations.
Slovenske železnice bought three trainsets, two of which operate on the (Koper-)Ljubljana-Maribor route and one of which operates on the Ljubljana-Venice Santa Lucia route.