InterAction Council of Former Heads of State and Government

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The InterAction Council of Former Heads of State and Government is an independent international organization designed to bring together former world leaders to mobilize their energy, experience and international contacts in an effort to develop and encourage change around the world.

Founded in 1983, this body meets on a regular basis, including annual meetings, and is comprised of over 30 former world leaders. The organization and its members jointly develop recommendations on, and practical solutions for, the political, economic and social problems confronting the world. These efforts are focused on three main priority areas, notably peace and security, world economic revitalization and universal ethical standards.

Its most notable project has been the development of a Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities, which was an attempt to develop a set of responsibilities that were shared by all individuals to counterbalance the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This new "Global Ethic" would provide a foundation of freedom, justice and peace in order for Universal Rights to be meaningful. These agreed values and standards complements Universal Rights, as the maximization of personal freedom at the expense of others, without consideration of others, is as problematic as having no rights at all.

[edit] Members

[edit] Members on Leave

[edit] Post-mortem Members