
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is currently on editor review. You may comment about his or her edits at Wikipedia:Editor review/Insineratehymn

Welcome to Insineratehymn's Userpage

[edit] Introduction

Wait! What's he doing here on Wikipedia? Isn't he supposed to be on Uncyclopedia?

Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde

My name is Ethan "Insineratehymn" Mittel. I am a representative of Metal Storm. I come from Kansas, the most boring state in the union. I was once a vandal here on Wikipedia, but I have repented and changed my ways. I now patrol the recent changes page in search of those who vandalize articles.

[edit] Fact About Me

I am a metalhead who is learning to become a computer programmer. If I was to pursue a career, I would just want a duty of programming code for mediocre software. Some of my favorite things include computers, programming, metal, video games, and philosophy. As you can see further down my userpage, I love to use userboxes... perhaps a bit too much. One might say I have too many userboxes, and believe I should remove some. I say I have too few.

So like I said, I love the musical genre of metal. I listen to bands from every subgenre, but if I had to choose which subgenres were my favorites, I would choose thrash metal, death metal, black metal, and grindcore. In my part time, I study philosophy; some of the philosophical works I read include those by Plato, Confucius, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

As you can also see by the Oscar Wilde quote, I am a frequent contributor to Uncyclopedia. It's easier for me to be funny than serious, but by making contributions to Wikipedia, I can hopefully be serious about editing as well.

[edit] A Word About Vandalism

Back in the ancient days of the internet, vandals would often blank Wikipedia's Rome article.
Back in the ancient days of the internet, vandals would often blank Wikipedia's Rome article.
Here we have the original copy of a very rare document from ancient Rome, untouched by vandal ha- *sigh* Not again.
Here we have the original copy of a very rare document from ancient Rome, untouched by vandal ha- *sigh* Not again.

Being a former vandal, I understand the motives behind why someone might commit vandalism. There are several different reasons behind vandalism, each case unique, but the reason why I used to commit vandalism is "vengeance". The vengeance in question was spawned from something which offended me.

Some years ago, I performed a search for information regarding death metal musician Chuck Schuldiner. One of the first results that appeared on Google was the Wikipedia article over him. Just below that result was a result for an article on, which slandered his name. I was offended by this article, and when I later discovered that had a Wikipedia article, I planned to perform massive vandalism upon the article. I could not do it all the time as my IP address, as I would end up being banned indefinitely from Wikipedia. To avoid this, I created sockpuppets that were used solely for vandalism on that one Wikipedia article. Of the many vandalism techniques, I used false information, childish insults toward the topic, reverting to vandalized versions of the article, blanking the article and leaving a message, and several others.

This lasted for about 3 months until I realized that vandalizing that article just to prove a point was fruitless and futile, and I soon came to recognize the errors of my ways. I felt remorse for the actions I had done, and I apologized to those who told me on many an occasion that what I was doing was wrong. I have now changed and hope to prove to those who reside here that I may be an important asset to this community.

By repenting my mistakes of the past, I have shown that vandals are still human, and therefore have empathy. Many people often make the mistake that vandals are and will always remain cold, heartless barbarians, but this is not true. Vandals have feelings just like any other man, woman, or child, and as such can be changed for the better. If we show the vandals that we wish only to become friends and give them words of knowledge and not those of hate, then they will become positive contributing Wikipedians.

[edit] Articles

Here is the list of articles I have created (and articles to which I have contributed much).

[edit] Awards

If there are any awards that you wish to give me, feel free to place them below, or give them to me on my talk page so that I may place them on my userpage later. It will be much appreciated.

[edit] Current Activities

I am currently a member of the following Wikipedia projects.

[edit] Userboxes

This user is a reformed vandal.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let him or her know.
This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
This user has a zero tolerance policy on vandalism.

150+ This user has over 150 edits.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Metal.
This user has a sense of humour
and shows it on their userpage.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
la-1 Hic usor simplice latinitate contribuere potest.
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse (oder hat beträchtliche Schwierigkeiten mit der Sprache).
This user is a proud contributor to Uncyclopedia.
ADD This user has ADD.
SCH This user suffers from schizophrenia.
This user is of German ancestry.
This user uses DC++.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox. This user writes with the suite.
This user believes that Caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
P This user drinks Pepsi.
This user prefers to play games on a personal computer.
This user enjoys heavy metal music.
Image:Anti-iPod.png This user does not like iPods.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in ancient Greece.
This user is interested in the Byzantine Empire
This user is interested in the Ottoman Empire.
This user enjoys writing.
a²+b²=c² This user is an intermediate mathematician.
This user reads Science Fiction
ACC This user enjoys the works of Arthur C. Clarke .
This user enjoys the works of George Orwell.
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user is obsessed with The War of the Worlds.
This user is a Star Wars fan.
AIM-0 This user does not understand or have any interest in AOLer.
... in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put.
Regarding gender, this user will use the vernacular, not what is "politically correct".
if & whether This user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly.
less & fewer This user understands the difference between less and fewer. So should you.
their / there / they're This user knows that there, their, and they're are not the same word.
your/ you’re This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, you’re in need of help.
“…” This user favours typographic quotation marks over typewriter style.
C++ This user can program in C++.
lua This user can program in Lua.
<html> This user can write HTML.
{{Wiki}} This user can write in the Wikipedia language
prog-2 This user is an intermediate programmer.
This user's entire personality can be summed up in a few userboxes.
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
Today is April 10, 2007.
This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time.
This user is a member of the Wikipedia Department of Fun.
S This user is a fan of Surreal comedy.
T This user is a fan of topical comedy and satire.
This user is a native of Kansas.
☺ This user is part of the
Welcoming Committee.