Institution of Structural Engineers

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Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) is the world leading professional body for structural engineering based on United Kingdom. The Institution gained its Royal Charter in March of 1934. It was established at the Ritz Hotel, London on 21 July 1908 as the Concrete Institute, as the result of a much-felt need to define standards and rules for the proper use of concrete material in construction industry. The first headquarters were established at No. 8, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London; the first President was the Right Honourable the Earl of Plymouth, in whose honour the largest meeting room at the current HQ is named. Incorporated in 1909 as a company limited by guarantee, it was renamed the Institution of Structural Engineers in 1922, when its areas of interest were extended to cover 'structures' of all kinds; 'structures' being defined as 'those constructions which are subject principally to the laws of statics as opposed to those which are subject to the laws of dynamics and kinetics, such as engines and machines'.

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