Institute of Public Enterprise

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The Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), (Hyderabad, India) is an autonomous non-profit educational society established in 1964. It is devoted to management education, training, research, consultancy, IT and biotechnology for business enterprises in the public and private sector. The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) has recognized IPE as a "Centre of Excellence" in Management sciences for doctoral studies. Seven universities have also recognized the Institute for the guidance of Ph.D. students. IPE is also a training centre for the IAS and other senior officers of Central and State Governments, public sector enterprises, and private corporate sector.


[edit] Origin

Logo of Institute of Public Enterprise
Logo of Institute of Public Enterprise

The Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) was established in 1964 for the study of issues and policies relating to public enterprises(PEs). Mr. S S Khera, ICS, the then Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, had conceived the idea of a research institution that would undertake a systematic and sustained study of issues relevant to the formulation of policies towards public enterprises. In the early sixties, when PEs were designed as the principal instrument to serve the social and economic objectives of development, Mr.Khera felt that there was need for an institute which would collect relevant information and documents on PEs, study specific issues and undertake consultancy and training exclusively for PEs. Dr.V.V. Ramanadham, the then Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce, Osmania University, translated Mr.Khera’s concept into a reality that is IPE, with the active support and guidance provided by the late Dr. D. S Reddy, then Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University as an autonomous, non-profit society at the initiative of the then Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India, Shri S.S.Khera, ICS, and late Dr.D.S.Reddy, Vice-Chancellor of Osmania University.

The Institute is located in a picturesque greenwood area at Hyderabad in Osmania University Campus. Over the last 40 years, the Institute has widened the area of its work. Starting with research, the Institute soon found itself having to undertake consultancy for PEs and responding to the training needs of the executives of PEs and various educational programmes. The Institute became a pioneer in the field of computerization, assisting the State Government in formulation of a computerization policy, developing software for PEs and public systems, advising them on hardware choice and on the use of computers as a decision support system.

The educational programmes of the Institute have their basic foundation in the various research, training and consultancy activities undertaken by the Institute for public and private organizations/industries over the last four decades. The programmes are the natural extension of the educational activities of the Institute from the short term management education to the long-term one and have lead to vertical integration of the research function. The insights into management education started in 1980 with the commencement of a 3-year part time MBA(PE) programme for practicing managers.

In the year 1995, the Institute started a two-year full time Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) to provide skilled human resources to meet the requirements of the Industry. The course is recognized by AICTE and also recognized as equivalent to MBA by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). These insights have led to the creation of a niche for itself in the conduct of the PGDBM course.

IPE’s long association with the Indian industry has been responsible for its pre-eminent position in the area of management education

The Institute has endeavoured to maintain a balance between research, education, training and consultancy without allowing either training or consultancy to deflect it from the original goal of research which remains central to its work programme.

[edit] Course Objectives & Highlights of PGDBM


To facilitate accelerated acquisition of business vision, knowledge and skills to meet future challenges. To introduce a wide ranges of management concepts, analytical skills and techniques for problem solving and decision making. To develop understanding of current business realities and confidence to successfully run business enterprises.


An integrated, multi-disciplinary programme with innovative teaching methods to enhance analytical and problem-solving skills. Captains from industry/business regularly invited to address the students, bridging the gap between classroom theory and shop floor practices. The focus is on comprehensively grasping the business environment and evolving business practices. Personality Development module to tap the full potential of students by improving self-management, business communication skills and leadership, while inculcating work ethics and a proper career attitude. Emphasis on “hands on experience” in the use of Computers for resource planning and management. Learning of Foreign Languages to enhance placement opportunities abroad. Wider choice of Electives to equip students with contemporary knowledge and skills of management.

[edit] Course Structure

The course structure is designed to meet the needs of Industry and is in conformity with AICTE guidelines. The first year is devoted to basic courses, which define important areas of business and provide the students with the opportunity to study and acquire the skills, which are essential to formulate and solve business problems. The course provides a broad understanding of macro-environmental issues and core subjects and then focuses on functional aspects and analytical techniques. At the end of 1st year, students undergo 6 to 8 weeks Summer Attachment in reputed companies for industry exposure and interaction with the live aspects of a working business organisation.

In the second year, vital issues of strategy and implementation are studied. Students choose from a broad range of elective courses to deepen their knowledge of the fundamentals and gain in-depth knowledge in select areas. They also undertake a Long Term project to have an intensive study of managerial issues in their selected areas of interest in reputed organisations. The course has 148 credits corresponding to 1480 contact hours. Need based non-credit courses are also provided.

[edit] Contact Details

Institute of Public Enterprise Hyderabad Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad - 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Phone: + 91 (40) 270-9 8145, 2709 8937, Fax: + 91 (40) 2709 5478, 2709 5183

