Inherit the Wind

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Inherit the Wind
Directed by Stanley Kramer
Produced by Stanley Kramer
Written by Jerome Lawrence (play)
Robert E. Lee (play)
Nedrick Young
Harold Jacob Smith
Starring Spencer Tracy
Fredric March
Gene Kelly
Dick York
Donna Anderson
Music by Ernest Gold
Cinematography Ernest Laszlo
Editing by Frederic Knudtson
Distributed by United Artists
Release date(s) October 12, 1960
Running time 128 min.
Country USA
Language English
IMDb profile

Inherit the Wind is a play by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee, which opened on Broadway in January 1955, and a 1960 Hollywood film based on the play. The play's title comes from Proverbs 11:29, which in the King James Bible reads:

He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind:
and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart

Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized account of the 1925 Scopes Trial (the "Monkey" Trial), which resulted in Scopes' conviction for teaching Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to a high school science class, contrary to a Tennessee state law that mandated the teaching of a form of creationism. The fictional characters of Matthew Harrison Brady, Henry Drummond, Bertram Cates and E. K. Hornbeck correspond to the historical figures of William Jennings Bryan, Clarence Darrow, John Scopes, and H.L. Mencken, respectively.

Despite numerous similarities between the play and history, the play was not intended as a documentary-drama about the Scopes trial, but as a warning about the evils of McCarthyism, which some see as one of the darkest moments in American history. The play has been hailed as one of the great American plays of the 20th century, and its themes of religious belief, religious tolerance, and freedom of thought resonate down to the present day.


[edit] The play

Although Inherit the Wind cites its Broadway opening in 1955, the play was rejected by several producers in New York until after a critically successful world premiere in Dallas, Texas, staged by Margo Jones. It opened at the National Theatre on Broadway in 1955 with Paul Muni as Drummond, Ed Begley as Brady, and Tony Randall as Hornbeck, earning three Tony Awards.

A 1996 Broadway revival produced by Tony Randall's National Actors Theatre starred George C. Scott as Drummond and Charles Durning as Brady.

Inherit the Wind was produced in a limited Broadway engagement beginning March 2007 starring Christopher Plummer as Drummond and Brian Dennehy as Brady.

[edit] The film

The play is the basis of a 1960 Hollywood film of the same name, starring Spencer Tracy (Drummond), Fredric March (Brady), Gene Kelly (Hornbeck), Dick York (Cates), Harry Morgan (Judge), Donna Anderson (Rachel Brown), Claude Akins (Rev. Brown), Noah Beery Jr. (Stebbins), Florence Eldridge (Mrs. Brady), and Jimmy Boyd. It was adapted by Nedrick Young (originally as Nathan E. Douglas) and Harold Jacob Smith (Howard), and directed by Stanley Kramer.

At the Berlin International Film Festival, March received the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor, and the film was nominated for the Golden Bear award. The movie was also nominated for the following Academy Awards: Best Actor in a Leading Role (Spencer Tracy), Best Cinematography, Black-and-White, Best Film Editing and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium. It was also nominated for BAFTA Best Film and Best Foreign Actor.

The film deviates from the play, most notably by reducing the unidimensionality of some of the characters. For example, the film includes a "Golden Dancer" scene, in which Brady and Drummond sit in rocking chairs on the porch of the boarding house that is their lodging for the duration of the trial, and reminisce about their past friendship and their reasons for participating in the trial. In the film but not the play, the reporter E.K. Hornbeck (based on the real-life journalist H.L. Mencken) is not an intolerant atheist, and Bertram Cates does not leave the town of Hillsboro.

The film incorporates more of the actual trial transcript than does the stage play, most notably the incident where Clarence Darrow is cited for contempt of court. The film includes a sequence where a mob harasses Cates in his jail cell and then threatens Drummond at his hotel. That same night, a conversation with Hornbeck inspires Drummond to call Brady as a witness, to expose the contradictions that result from a literal interpretation of the Bible.

The blurb for the 2002 DVD release of the film included the following factoid: "In 1960, Inherit the Wind became the world's first in-flight movie when Trans World Airlines used it to lure first-class passengers!"

[edit] Inherit the Wind and history

Although the play quotes extensively from the trial transcript, the play and filmscript indulge in much poetic license, in that they did not try to present the Scopes trial as it actually happened, but instead used it as the historical launching point for a fictional story, embellishing events for dramatic effect. In this respect, Inherit the Wind resembles Arthur Miller's play The Crucible. They both employ historical events as a way of commenting on controversies at the time and place they were written.

The play was intended to criticize the anti-Communist investigations of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and Senator Joseph McCarthy, with the Brady character representing McCarthy and his assistant Roy Cohn.[citation needed] The authors used the historical Scopes trial as the background for a drama that comments on and explores the threats to intellectual freedom presented by the anti-communist hysteria. Brady's final fit of ranting and raving in the courtroom has no counterpart in the 1925 trial, but does echo McCarthy's behavior on June 17, 1954, when the Army-McCarthy Hearings came to an abrupt end.

The play includes a note reminding the reader that "Inherit the Wind is not history." The characters have different names from the historical figures on whom they are based, and the play "does not pretend to be journalism." The authors go on to argue that "the issues of [Bryan and Darrow's] conflict have acquired new dimension and meaning" in the 30 years since the actual courtroom clash. They do not set the play in 1925 but instead say that "It might have been yesterday. It could be tomorrow." This timelessness of the setting can be seen as a warning about repeating the wrongs of the past, which can recur unless we are vigilant. During the play's original Broadway run, it was widely understood as a critique of McCarthyism, but subsequent interpretations have been more literal, given the resurgence of the creation-evolution controversy after the play and film appeared.

Despite the authors' warnings, nowadays the play is typically seen as a largely true account of the Scopes Trial and thus is taken as a documentary-drama. In reality, the Encyclopædia Britannica had no entry for the Scopes trial until 1957; the entry mentioned the successful Broadway run of Inherit the Wind, giving the impression that the play was historically accurate. American high school and college texts did not mention the Scopes trial until the 1960s, usually as an example of the conflict between science and evangelical Christianity, and often in sections discussing the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan. In recent decades, school texts and encyclopedia entries have continued to take the play and film as historically accurate, claiming, for example, that during the trial, Darrow made Bryan look like a fool.

Inherit the Wind portrays the Cates/Scopes character as unfairly persecuted. In reality, although the ACLU was looking for a test case with a teacher as defendant, it was a group of Dayton businessmen who persuaded Scopes to be a defendant, hoping that the publicity surrounding the trial would help put the town back on the map and revive its ailing economy. Scopes was never in the slightest danger of being jailed.

Inherit the Wind has been criticized for unfairly stereotyping Christians as hostile, hate-filled bigots. For example, the character of Reverend Jeremiah Brown whips his congregation into a frenzy and calls down hellfire on his own daughter for being engaged to Cates. In fact, no such event took place, simply because Scopes had no girlfriend. The 1960 film depicts a prayer meeting during which some express hostility about Drummond and Cates, but Brady intervenes to calm the situation. Later, his wife calms him.

In reality, the people of Dayton were generally very kind and cordial to Darrow, who attested to this fact during the trial as follows:

"I don't know as I was ever in a community in my life where my religious ideas differed as widely from the great mass as I have found them since I have been in Tennessee. Yet I came here a perfect stranger and I can say what I have said before that I have not found upon any body's part — any citizen here in this town or outside the slightest discourtesy. I have been treated better, kindlier and more hospitably than I fancied would have been the case in the north." (trial transcript, pp. 225–226)

The film does justice to this fact in the scene where Drummond first meets the Hillsboro town mayor, and also in Drummond's interactions with Cates' students.

[edit] Other differences

(M) refers to the 1960 film and (P) to the published play script. (M/P) means the point appears in both versions.

  • (M) When Bertram Cates is arrested in the classroom and the sheriff asks his name, Cates replies "Come off it Sam, you've known me all my life." In reality, Scopes was born and raised in Salem, Illinois and moved to Dayton only in 1924, after graduating from university.
  • (M/P) Brady, in answer to Drummond's question about the Origin of Species, says he has no interest in "the pagan hypotheses of that book". In reality, Bryan was familiar with Darwin's writings and quoted them extensively during the trial.
  • (M/P) Brady was opposed to Darwinism only on religious grounds. Moreover, while Bryan was a fundamentalist in his theological views, his political and economic views were quite progressive. He opposed eugenics, and rejected the way in which Social Darwinism and its doctrine of "only the strong survive" had been invoked to justify the cutthroat tactics of many a Gilded Age robber baron (industrialist).
  • (M/P) In answer to a question from Drummond, Brady declares that the original sin of Adam and Eve was their discovery of sexual intercourse. In reality, the confrontation between Bryan and Darrow never mentioned sex, and all forms of Christianity fully condone marital intercourse.
  • (M/P) Brady betrays Cates' girlfriend, the local preacher's daughter, by questioning her in court about information she told him in confidence. In real life, Scopes did not have a girlfriend, and Bryan did not ask anyone who was under oath to betray any confidences.
  • (M/P) When the verdict is announced, Brady protests, loudly and angrily, that the fine is too lenient. In reality, Scopes was fined the minimum the law required, and Bryan offered to pay the fine.
  • (M/P) Drummond is portrayed as involved in the trial out of a desire to prevent Cates from being jailed by bigots. In reality Scopes was never in danger of being jailed. In his autobiography and in a letter to H.L. Mencken, Darrow later acknowledged that he took part in the trial simply to attack Bryan and the fundamentalists.
  • (M) The plot line regarding Mr and Mrs Stebbins and the death of their son by drowning is allegedly based on a true incident. In fact the event occurred several years earlier — before Scopes ever moved to Dayton — and is believed to have motivated George Rappleyea to turn against fundamentalist Christianity.
  • (M) After the trial and Brady's death, Drummond says that Brady had once been a great man. E.K. Hornbeck brushes that aside saying that the man had died of a "busted belly." In real life, it was Darrow who claimed that Bryan had died of a busted belly, with Menken reportedly adding "We killed that son of a bitch!"
  • (P) Hornbeck is depicted as an atheist. H. L. Mencken was in fact an agnostic whose writings attacked only certain aspects of Christianity, such as infant damnation, Biblical literalism, predestination, and hostility to Darwin. But he had no real quarrel with the Protestant mainstream of his day, and admired Catholic ritual. Mencken was no progressive paragon and did not trust democracy based on universal suffrage. His German sympathies were so strong that he opposed American participation in both world wars, and dismissed criticism of Hitler in the 1930s.

[edit] Inherit the Wind on television

In 1965 the play aired on television with Melvyn Douglas as Drummond and Ed Begley as Brady. In 1988, a rewrite of the Kramer movie shown on NBC starred Jason Robards as Drummond and Kirk Douglas as Brady. Another version aired in 1999 with another pair of Oscar winners, Jack Lemmon and George C. Scott, as Drummond and Brady respectively. For their performance, Robards won an Emmy and Lemmon won a Golden Globe award. The 1988 production also won the Emmy for Outstanding Drama/Comedy Special.

[edit] External links and references

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