Template talk:Infobox Court Case

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Usage

This infobox takes a number of parameters:

the name of the case, should preferably be the same as the article title;
the name of the court the case was heard in. You should [[link]] to the article on the court;
an image to represent the court, such as a coat of arms (for Australian courts, use the Image:Australia coa.png). You can also use Image:No image.png;
the date the decision was handed down;
the full name of the case, including things like "& Anor" or "& Ors", and expanding any other abbreviations;
external links to reports of the case;
list the judges sitting on the case, Chief Justice first (where applicable);
mention any prior trials or appeals, if the case is an appeal decision. You may also want to mention related cases in a sequence, eg Mabo [No 1] and Mabo [No 2]. Use external links to citations if possible;
mention any later appeals or retrials, where applicable. You may also want to mention related cases in a sequence, eg Mabo [No 1] and Mabo [No 2]. Use external links to citations if possible;
a very brief summary of some of the major findings in the case - many case reports will do this for you.

[edit] Optional parameters

external links to transcripts of the case, where available.