Template:Infobox Polyhedron Types

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Class Number and properties
Platonic solids
(5, convex, regular)
Archimedean solids
(13, convex, uniform)
Kepler-Poinsot solids
(4, regular, non-convex)
Uniform polyhedra
(75, uniform)
prisms, antiprisms etc.
(4 infinite uniform classes)
Polyhedra tilings (11 regular, in the plane)
Quasi-regular polyhedra
Johnson solids (92, convex, non-uniform)
Pyramids and Bipyramids (infinite)
Stellations Stellations
Polyhedral compounds (5 regular)
Deltahedra (Deltahedra,
equalatial triangle faces)
Snub polyhedra
(12 uniform, not mirror image)
Zonohedron (Zonohedra,
faces have 180°symmetry)
Dual polyhedron
Self-dual polyhedron (infinite)
Catalan solid (13, Archimedean dual)