Template:Infobox Observatory

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For instructions on use, see Template:Infobox Observatory

[edit] Usage

{{Infobox Observatory
| bgcolour        = 
| name            = 
| image           = 
| caption         = 
| organization    = 
| location        = 
| coords          = 
| altitude        = 
| weather         = 
| established     = 
| closed          = 
| website         =
| telescope1_name = 
| telescope1_type = 
| telescope2_name = 
| telescope2_type = 
| telescope3_name = 
| telescope3_type = 
| telescope4_name = 
| telescope4_type = 
Parameter Description
bgcolor The colour of the background of the table
name The name of the observatory (REQUIRED)
image The image for the infobox (use full wikicode)
caption A caption for the image
organization The organization behind the observatory
location Where the observatory is
coords Observatory coordinates - use Template:coor dms
altitude The altitude of the observatory
established When the observatory was established
closed When the observatory was closed, if appropriate
website The URL of the website for the observatory
telescope1_name The name of the first telescope
telescope1_type The type of the first telescope (and any additional information)
telescope2_name The name of the second telescope
telescope2_type The type of the second telescope (and any additional information)
telescope29_name The name of the 29th telescope
telescope29_type The type of the 29th telescope (and any additional information)
telescope30_name The name of the 30th telescope
telescope30_type The type of the 30th telescope (and any additional information)
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