Template:Infobox City Dotmap

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

† [[Image:{{{image_photo}}}|250px]]

† {{{photo_caption}}}

Location of {{{name}}} in {{{province}}} province, {{{country}}}
{{{name}}} location
Location of {{{name}}} in {{{country}}}
† {{{area}}}
† {{{population}}}
† {{{density}}}
† {{{established}}}
† {{{location}}}
† {{{altitude}}}

Optional parameters marked "†".

[edit] Usage

{{Infobox City Dotmap
|name=          town/city name*
|country =      Country name*
|image_map=     Cuba_Provinces_base.png
|province=      province*

[edit] Parameters used

{{Infobox City Dotmap
|name=          town/city name*
|country =      Country name*
|image_photo=   photo of town/city
|photo_caption= caption for photo
|image_map=     example: Cuba_Provinces_base.png
|dot_x=         locator dot x - (places yellow locator dot on map)
|dot_y=         locator dot y
|province=      province name*
|area=          surface area (add km²)
|population=    population (census year) - total town/city population
|density=       population density - inhabitants per km²
|established=   year established/incorporated/documented
|location=      geographical coordinates (DD°MM'SS"N DD°MM'SS"W, or use coor template)
|altitude=      elevation (add m)
|link=          external link (town website)

*denotes required field