Information diving

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Information diving is the practice of recovering discarded computers to retrieve data from the hard drive. When a company disposes of old computers, it will usually neglect to erase the hard drive. This makes it possible for an information diver to collect software (such as word processors or operating systems) without buying it. Other data may also be valued, such as credit card information that may be stored on the machine. However, companies will generally be more careful with customer information.

Files, letters, memos, photographs, IDs, passwords, credit cards and more can be found in dumpsters. This is a result of the fact that many people never consider that sensitive items they throw in the trash may be recovered. Such information, when recovered, is sometimes usable for fraudulent purposes (see also so-called "identity theft" and physical information security)

Supposedly, information diving was more common in the 1980s due to lax security; when businesses became aware of the need for increased security in the early 1990s, sensitive documents were shredded before being placed in dumpsters. There is still considerable Internet activity on the subject of dumpster diving, so it is unlikely to have stopped with the widespread introduction of document shredding. Security mythology has it that curious hackers or malicious crackers commonly use this technique, but this may be an urban legend as social engineering is often easier.

Dumpster diving is commonly practiced by "watchdog" organizations seeking information on groups they are investigating. The Trinity Foundation successfully used this technique to report on the activities of televangelist Robert Tilton, and has also obtained information on Benny Hinn using this practice.

[edit] See also