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InformATE (Inform Ahora Totalmente en Español) is a programming language and a design system for interactive fiction in Spanish. InformATE consists of an Inform library, based on Inform v6.30. It was originally created by José Luis Diaz as "Zak McKraken", and is currently maintained by the Spanish Inform Community. Using the compiler of Inform, the interactive fiction games created with InformATE can be compiled for the Z-machine and Glulx.

InformATE has been used as authoring system in over 70 Z-machine games and in more than 20 Glulx games, and new games are frequently released.


[edit] The library

InformATE supports not only the Spanish language during game play, but also translates Spanish grammar, along with Inform's dictionary, commands, meta-commands, and messages. In fact, an InformATE piece of code reads (mostly) in Spanish with a few exceptions: some reserved words such as if, else, switch, class, object, with, has and so forth remain in English.

Object Ropa "ropa nueva"
   nombre_f 'ropa',
   nombre_fp 'prendas',
   nombre_mp 'vestidos',
   adjetivos 'nueva',
      "Es mi ropa nueva. Es estupenda",
   antes [;
         Desvestir :
            if (localizacion ofclass Localidad_Exterior)
               "¿Y pasar frío? No haré tal cosa...";
               "¿Y si me ve alguien más? Qué vergüenza...";],
has femenino prenda;

As seen on the above example, InformATE allows the author to actually code games in Spanish. However, being not just a translation, but a complete rework of the original Inform library, InformATE and Inform are completely incompatible with each other, especially so for later versions of either library.

InformATE also has a moderate collection of library modules (to be used for non-player character interaction and movement, for instance), specially created for InformATE by the Spanish Inform Community.

[edit] Games Created

InformATE has been used as authoring system in over 70 Z-machine games and in more than 20 Glulx games, and new games are frequently released.

[edit] Documentation

InformATE's main documentation is DocumentatE, a Spanish HTML document largely based on Inform's Designers Manual 4th Edition (DM4). It also has a basic tutorial in HTML, La Torre and an incrementally build-up example program, La Casa.

[edit] News

For more information, on InformATE, its documentation, library modules and games created, visit InformATE web page, currently maintained by Incanus and hosted at CAAD webpage.

[edit] External links

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