Infoage Science/History Learning Center

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The Infoage Science/History Learning Center is a science center that will be opening on the grounds of the former Camp Evans military base in Wall Township, New Jersey, approximately 30 miles from New York City. Camp Evans is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Infoage is a member of the Association of Science-Technology Centers and is a Save America's Treasures project. It is also part of the NASA Digital Learning Network.

Infoage is a group of cooperating non-profit organizations dedicated to the preservation and education of information age technologies, created to honor the pioneers of communications. When the renovations of the army buildings are completed, visitors will benefit from the dynamic and evolving atmosphere created by this concentration of information technology experts and unique exhibits.


[edit] Exhibits and collections

[edit] The Grabbe Computer Packaging Collection

The Grabbe Collection [1] "spans 50 years of computer packaging development. It is the result of the dedicated selection, photographing, and organizing of components which step by step show important steps in the progress of computer development. The collection has selected components from nearly every major manufacture and represents a cross section of the computer industry. The unique collection has 7000 components and 45,000 custom slides. Many of the slides are microscopic views of circuits which look more like art than technology and represent thousands of hours of work by Mr. Grabbe. Mr. Grabbe has given this amazing collection to Infoage where selected components will be displayed to show students and families the step by step advances in packaging technology. The collection is sponsored by the IEEE History Center at Rutgers University, and Prismark Partners, LLC. The entire collection will be available for research in the future."

The Grabbe collection contains components from: 3M, AC Spark Plug, ACRI, Amdahl, AMI, AMP Inc., AMP-MECA, Apollo, AST, AT&T, AUGAT, Bell Labs, BNR, Bourns, Bowmar, Burroughs, CBS, CDC, Chrysler, Citizen Watch Co., COB, Concurrent Logic, Cray, CSR, Cyrix 686mx, DALLAS-SEMI, DEC, DELCO, DGY, DIRECT BOND, Dow Corning, DuPont, ELCO, ENIAC, Fairchild, Ford, FRISC Inc., Fujitsu, Fujitsu-opt, FUSION, General Electric, General Dynamics, Gigabit, HDD, Hitachi, Honeywell, Hewlett Packard, Hughes, IBM Japan, IBM Owego, IBM, ILLIAC, INMOS, Intel lux, Intel Corporation, Interposer, Intersil, ITT, JPL, LGA, Litel, LSI LOGIC, MA-CON, Marne Research, MCC, Methode, Micro SMT, MICRON, MIT, Mitsubishi, MMKOR, MMS, MOSAIC, MOSTEC, Mot. Optop AG, Motorola, National, NCHIP, NCR, NEC, Nixdorf, Northrup, OKI, Olin, Pacific Micro, Panasonic, PGA, Phillips, Picowire, Pico-wire, PMI, PMP, Raychem, Raytheon, RCA, Read-Rite, Relays, Rockwell, Rogers, SGS-Thomsom, SHARP, Shindo, Shinko, Siemens, Signetics, SIM, Sintra, SMT, Sperry, Switch, Tektronix, Teledyne, Tessera, Texas Instruments, Thomas+betts, Timex, Toshiba, Trident, Trilogy, Trilogy module, TRW, Unisys, Univac, Universal, USSR-Comp., UTC, Vitessa, VLSI, Western Digital, Westinghouse, WETTEK, XEROX

[edit] No Short Climb

No Short Climb[2] is "based on a video currently being produced by Professor Robert Johnson of Framingham State College, No Short Climb tells the story of the development of radar and the extraordinary contributions of black scientists in the times of Jim Crow" through oral histories and historical sources. According to Thomas Daniels, "The original 20 Black engineers and physicists who arrived at Fort Monmouth in the early 1940s set a blazing trail of technical accomplishments for the U.S. Army and set the pace for those Blacks who followed", Yet "Current books on Black inventors, scientists or engineers fail to mention the many inventions, developments and advancements made in radar, avionics, cornrnunication, satellites, electronic warfare, infrared, solid state, computer science, meteorology and electronic components by both civilians and military, particularly at Fort Monmouth." One such scientist was Dr. Walter McAfee, who first calculated the speed of the moon.

[edit] Radio Reruns

Radio Reruns is "a NBHF exhibit that lets you tune in to the past." The exhibit is based on their extensive collection of radio shows and radio artifacts.

[edit] The National Broadcasters Hall of Fame & NJ Antique Radio Club Museum

The National Broadcasters Hall of Fame & New Jersey Antique Radio Club Museum [3] houses part of their collection of antique radios and displays.

[edit] The Philip B. Peterson Collection

The Philip B. Peterson Collection [4]

[edit] Partners

Infoage partner organizations include:

• The National Broadcasters Hall of Fame salutes and honors the men and women who made broadcasting a communications marvel in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. Since its opening on May 1, 1977, in Freehold, New Jersey the Hall and Museum have entertained and educated millions of people on the history of radio and its pioneering broadcasters.

• The National Association for Amateur Radio (NAAR)

• AFCEA Fort Monmouth Chapter

• The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)

• The New Jersey Science Teachers Associationis a professional organization of 2,700 members that will hold meetings and teacher training at Infoage.

• The Garden State Central Model Railroad Club

• The New Jersey Antique Radio Club is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of radio history and knowledge. By promoting the collection, preservation and restoration of vintage radios, TVs, phonographs, communication equipment (military, commercial and amateur) and related texts, technical journals, historical documentation and artifacts. Every month there is a radio collecting presentation by one of their members.

• The Quarter Century Wireless Association will bring an in-depth knowledge of history and technical expertise to InfoAge with their dedication to education of the history and technology of wireless telegraphy.

• The Ocean-Monmouth Antique Radio Club (OMARC)

• The American Radio Relay League North Jersey Chapter

• The New Jersey Historical Divers Association

• The Military Technology Museum of New Jersey

• Past Muster

[edit] External link