Inflatable Icons

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3D model
3D model

‎A technique to turn 2D icons into 3D models. There are many applications, such as rapid prototyping, simulations and presentations, where non-professional computer end-users could benefit from the ability to create simple 3D models. Existing tools are geared towards the creation of production quality 3D models by professional users with sufficient background, time and motivation to overcome steep learning curves. Inflatable Icons combine diffusion-based image extrusion with a number of interactively controllable parameters to allow end-users to efficiently design 3D objects. Early user testing has indicated that it takes end-users, even kids, just minutes to draw icons and then use the Inflatable Icons approach to create 3D models which they can use to build video games.

[edit] References

Repenning, A. 2005. Inflatable Icons: Diffusion-based Interactive Extrusion of 2D Images into 3D Models. The Journal of Graphical Tools, 10(1): 1-15.

YouTube Inflatable Icon Editor Video