Infershia Pantheon

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The Infershia Pantheon (also known as The Pantheon of Hell and The Hades Gods of the Infershia) are the final set of villains in Mahou Sentai Magiranger, the Infershia Pantheon is composed of the ten gods of Hades itself, and N Ma's most loyal servants. When their master was killed, the Hades Gods were revived to punish the infidels who defeated him as well as all of humanity. They were in a deep slumber within the depths of the Kedomono Realm in the Valley of the Gods until Nai & Mea found their lair with the Book of Prophecy as they reawakened. They almost killed Vancuria when they first met her (their natural sizes make them giants). The Hades Gods all have one goal; to bring "Divine Punishment" (神罰 Shinbatsu) upon humans. Each member possesses a Dark Aurora, which heralds the coming of the gods. Legend says that if those on the surface defy the Gods, both the surface and heavenly worlds will be destroyed. The Hades Gods follow their laws known as the Dark Precepts.

The Hades Gods were divided into three tiers:

  • The low tier known as the Five Warrior Gods (五武神 Gobushin?): Titan, Ifrit, Wyvern, Cyclops, Toad
  • The middle tier known as the Three Wise Gods (三賢神 Sankenshin?): Gorgon, Dagon, Sphinx
  • The high tier known as the Underground Hades Infershia Two Ultimate Gods (二極神 Nikyokushin?), which included Drake and Sleipnir (Infershia's Shield and Halberd).

The members of the Hades Gods were divided, forming alliances with each other, each having their own agenda. Dagon, Sleipnir, and Sphinx generally worked together, Gorgon manipulated Drake and Toad, while bickering with Sphinx, Ifrit dueled with Titan, while Titan and Toad traded insults. Cyclops was a loner, and Wyvern talked to Nai & Mea. All intended and were successful in resurrecting N Ma, and most of them (excluding Drake, and later Titan then finally Sphinx) showed a degree of loyalty to him.


[edit] Ifrit

Hades God Ifrit
Hades God Ifrit

Hades God Ifrit (冥府神イフリート Meifubushin Efurīto?) (35-36): Ifrit was the most fiery spirited of the gods. A fire demon who uses a club with a ball and chain as his weapon. One of the Five Warrior Gods, he was the first Hades God Vancuria encountered, and became very upset over her trespassing. The first of the Hades Gods chosen to challenge the Magirangers and bring their wrath upon humans. He could evaporate anything he glared at, and was even able to withstand MagiLegend's Fire Tornado. To be merciful, Ifrit lit a tower on fire that represented the time that the surface realm had to repent and beg for their lives before he would begin his Divine Punishment, and burn everything to ash. To be sporting, and to enhance his own enjoyment, Ifrit lit another tower on fire, saying that he would destroy the rangers before the tower was consumed. He also promised to tell the rangers where their mother was should they defeat him. Since the fire had died down, Sphinx passed judgement, saying that Ifrit must now atone for his transgression for having broken one of his own ceremonial rules (namely, he was still fighting the rangers even though the time he allotted ran out). Dagon then threw his trident at Ifrit's image in the Slab of Judgement, and killed him in order to maintain the Dark Precepts. Otherwise, it is said, N Ma would not be able to be reborn. Before Ifrit turned to stone and blew up, he revealed to the Magirangers that one of the other members of the Hades Gods has their mother captive in "a garden of thorns".

[edit] Cyclops

Hades God Cyclops
Hades God Cyclops

Hades God Cyclops (冥府神サイクロプス Meifubushin Saikuropusu?) (35-38): Cyclops was the best sharp shooter of the Gods. He was a robotic Cyclops demon who wielded a sniper rifle with a bayonet. He is also one of the most calm and composed, even when angered he quickly calms himself down, when this happens his infrared eye blinks and he strokes his chin to calm himself. He would have shot and killed Vancuria if Wyvern hadn't have stopped him from doing so. The second to challenge the Magirangers. He got infuriated when his attacks failed, but he recomposed himself to think of a strategic plan. He was a master sniper who went after the siblings in a game of cat and mouse where they had to evade his shooting until sunset or disappear upon getting shot. Anything he shot would disappear in a cloud of red energy. He had the ability to target anything within view of a reflective surface, which is how he hunted so efficiently. Cyclops could see everything with his thermal sight. He managed to take out Makito, Houka, and Urara by hiding in the mirror world and shooting through reflections, but Tsubasa defeated him with his DialRod Bow Gun to save his siblings. Cyclops was then killed by MagiLegend with assistance from Travelion. Upon his demise, Sleipnir commented on how Cyclops was a fool for having underestimated the Magirangers.

[edit] Gorgon

Hades Goddess Gorgon
Hades Goddess Gorgon

Hades Goddess Gorgon (冥府神ゴーゴン Meifukenshin Gōgon?) (35-40): Gorgon was the slyest of the Gods. Gorgon used a mirror-shield, akin to the aegis of Athena, as her weapon. She uses her shield to conjure forth snakes to turn the surface world to stone, and she herself can turn into either a naga or a giant snake to devour her enemies. She became the fourth to challenge the Magirangers after conning Toad into fighting the MagiRangers, knowing it was her turn to fight after Cyclops. She managed to petrify Smoky while devouring Urara, Makito, Tsubasa, and Hikaru in her garden. She then went to the surface world to get the powerless Kai and Houka, but Sphinx cured the two and Gorgon's plans began to fall apart as Kai and Houka freed their captured siblings and Hikaru from her stomach with a new spell. In order to intimidate Sphinx for interfering, Gorgon prophesied that she would be killed by one of their own, and she was. Gorgon grew large to only be killed by MagiLegend with Travelion's assistance (by destroying her shield with Destruction Fire), restoring Smoky back to his mobile self, as well as dispelling all of the snakes she conjured. As Gorgon died, she prophesized that Drake would avenge her.

[edit] Drake

Hades God Drake
Hades God Drake

Hades God Drake (冥府神ドレイク Meifuyokushin Doreiku?) (35-42): Drake was the most violent and hot-blooded of the Gods, he represents the Infershia's shield. He isn't really loyal to N Ma, as, in his impatience, he questioned the need for the ritual of the Slab of Judgement, or even the need to revive N Ma. Drake's only desire was to go on a rampage and destroy everything on the surface. Drake is armed with a sword that can shoot streams of lightning, has the strongest Infershia armor that protects him from any blow except to the back of the neck that also sports a pair of dragon skulls on his shoulders, can breathe fire, grow giant wings to fly, and extend his neck while giant on the surface world. In Stage 35, Drake started to destroy some buildings to bring fear to humans. In Stage 37, when it was Cyclops' turn to battle the Rangers, Drake asked if he could go in place of Cyclops, and almost got into a fight with the other Hades Gods. Later, Gorgon suggested that Drake go to the surface on his own so he could "play" (i.e., battle the Magirangers regardless). Drake was able to withstand Travelion's "Destruction Fire, Invert Spray" attack to Hikaru and Smoky's surprise, but Sphinx drove Drake away before he could finish Sungel off. Drake commented that he thought that Gorgon was the "coolest" of the gods (probably hinting he had romantic feelings for her) and when Gorgon was defeated, Drake became so upset that he started to attack the other Gods. Sphinx temporarily stopped Drake's rampage by telling him that it was Gorgon's own fault for her defeat for defying the Dark Precepts. When Sphinx went on to chide him by saying no one cared about what he feels for Gorgon, this upset and enraged him even more to the point where he tried to kill Sphinx when she turned her back to him. Wyvern blocked his attack, and the two Gods fought each other until selection was made for Divine Punishment, choosing Drake. Hikaru discovered that Drake's weakness was the lighter armor on his neck after striking him in the back of the neck and remembering that Kai as MagiPhoenix also damaged him by kicking him in the neck. Hikaru transformed into Sungel and defeated him in a truly stunning confrontation. In his last stand, Drake battled alongside Sleipnir (who, at the time, was being used by Dagon to lure out Wolzard). He was weakened by MagiLegend's ScrewCalibur and was killed by a Destruction Fire from Travelion.

[edit] Toad

Hades God Toad
Hades God Toad

Hades God Toad (冥府神トード Meifubushin Tōdo?) (35-44): Toad was the most gluttonous of the Gods, also the most hypersensitive. Toad carries a hammer that also serves as a trumpet, which he demonstrated on Vancuria when they first met. He occasionally ate High Zobil from a bowl. He could shoot various poisons from his warts, such as a poison that switched bodies and a poison that acts as a "bone-melting" acid and could shoot large, explosive globs of a tar-like slime from his mouth. He could summon "Hades Frog" eggs in huge clouds all over the world, and had doppelgangers of the Magirangers in his game of chance. His hammer/trumpet had several different functions, such as playing destructive musical sound waves, conjure forth mounds of Hades frogs and could expel blue fire. Toad was also a collector of souls, unintentionally capturing Miyuki during his post-awakening visit to the Flower Garden of Souls and taking his "Rare-tan" into the Briar Garden within the depths of the Kedomono Realm with his dark aura hiding her.

The third to challenge the MagiRangers, although at the time he wasn't selected by the Slab of Judgement. Instead Gorgon conned him into going, as she knew that she was the next to go as she caught a glimpse of a page from the Book of Prophecy. Toad fought Kai and Houka and ended up accidentally switching their bodies by squeezing the wrong wart. This later prevented them from being able to transform to fight Gorgon. He also switched Nai & Mea's bodies, however they were still able to become Vancuria, though only temporarily. Toad goes into battle with MagiLegend and Travelion but flees back to Hades as selection was taking place. After Drake's death, Toad was chosen to carry out the Hades Gods' wrath. In carrying out his Divine Punishment, Toad conjured forth huge clouds of Hades Frog Eggs in the sky, so that when they matured, they would rain down upon the earth in an apocalyptic shower, ala the Biblical Plague of Frogs, covering every person, thing and building in Hades frogs. Urara especially couldn't stand him because of him being a frog, er, toad, to which he took offense to and brought to his domain. After they cheated in a game of his making, Toad fought against the Magirangers when they attempted to take Miyuki back. When the siblings came close to getting her, Toad used one of his tar-slime globs to destroy the briar container she was in and seemingly destroyed her as well, fortunately she managed to survive and was turned into light because of the spell Blagel cast on her when he fought her as Wolzard way back in Stage 2. Toad met his end at the hands of the Legend MagiRangers & MagiMother.

[edit] Wyvern

Hades God Wyvern
Hades God Wyvern

Hades God Wyvern (冥府神ワイバーン Meifubushin Waibān?) (35-46): Wyvern was the most arrogant of the gods, and in Dagon's opinion, the most talkative of the gods, as well. Wyvern wields a spear. He could send powerful energy spheres from his staff that created massive explosions of fire and could power himself up when he got angry. He stopped Cyclops from killing Vancuria, he talked with Nai & Mea regularly, introduced them to each member of the Hades Gods, and treated them the kindest out of the Hades Gods until it became his turn to fight the MagiRangers while punishing Titan. Vancuria developed a bit of a crush on him before long and it seemed like the feeling was mutual and Wyvern also seemed to have a friendship with Titan before Titan chose not to sacrifice himself to allow N Ma to be reborn, he also seemed jealous of Titan because Dagon favored him for his strength and that his body was chosen by N Ma. When Drake attempted to kill Sphinx from behind, Wyvern blocked his attack and dueled with him until the Slab of Judgement chose Drake for Divine Punishment. He, along with Dagon and Titan, ambushed Wolzard and was the one who carried N Ma's soul but was seriously injured, coughing up green blood afterwards. He suddenly turned bitter, even swatting away or squashing the Nightmare sisters when they tried to come to his aid or comfort him. During the fight against Houka and Makito, he knocked Makito's DialRod out of his hand, then tried to kill him with a hailstorm of energy, but Titan intervened and took the blow himself. After making amends with Titan once they escaped from Wyvern (who was unaware that he was being spied on by Vancuria, who informed Dagon via fish-scale hand radio about their escape), Makito and Houka—the latter being disguised as Titan—lured the flying Wyvern out of the forest and into the quarry, where Wyvern caught Houka impersonating Titan by seeing her pink bow and forced her out of the disguise with an energy barrage. He fought Makito and Houka alone until the two were backed up by Kai, Tsubasa, Urara, and Hikaru (who managed to get out of an earlier entanglement with Sphinx). He forced all six Rangers out of their armor with a powerful attack before using an even stronger one to try to destroy them, but Isamu showed up and absorbed the flame. After arrogantly hitting Vancuria (who arrived to witness the Rangers' destruction and inform Wyvern of Titan's whereabouts) out of his way and learning that Dagon wanted him to find Titan, he charged toward Isamu, who had by now transformed into Wolzard Fire. Wolzard Fire killed Wyvern with the Raging Storm Slash after an incredibly short standoff.

[edit] Titan

Hades God Titan
Hades God Titan

Hades God Titan (冥府神ティターン Meifubushin Titān?) (35-46): Titan was the most muscular of the Gods. One of the Hades Gods' most physically strongest members, he uses a double bladed staff. Titan has an afro-like head and no visible eyes. Along with Wyvern, Titan seemed to treat Nai and Mea kindly, although once he accidentally stepped on them in Stage 39. He, Dagon, and Wyvern ambushed Wolzard, and Titan was the one who destroyed Wolzard's Jagun Shield. Chosen to carry on the Hades God's goals, he followed his Divine Punishment of using the surface electricity to create a large ball of electricity that would fall to surface. This way, the inhabitants of the surface world would be killed instantly and painlessly, as Titan said he abhorred promoting needless suffering. Titan was revealed to actually have a kind heart as Houka saw for his concern for life when a puppy came near him. She ended up convincing him to cancel his Divine Punishment which shocked Makito. Houka affectionately calls Titan "Afro-Kun". Titan was chosen by N Ma's soul to hold his spirit for his reincarnation. Titan was then congratulated by Sphinx and Wyvern for that honor of him to sacrifice his body. However, he told them he would not die, as his concern for life would not allow himself to revive N. Ma. Wyvern and Sphinx, in turn, considered this an act of treason and Wyvern pursued him. He ran off with Houka & Makito to avoid Wyvern from killing him. While in Travelion, Titan asked to be taken to the Marudeyouna world known as the Eternal Woods, so he could enter into an eternal sleep within the Lake of Slumber, so that N Ma could not revive. While the Magirangers were facing Wyvern, Titan fled to the shores of the Lake of Slumber, where Dagon ambushed and killed him, allowing N Ma to be revived in the god's lifeless body.

[edit] Sphinx

Hades Goddess Sphinx
Hades Goddess Sphinx

Hades Goddess Sphinx (冥府神スフィンクス Meifukenshin Sufinkusu?) (35-47, 49): Sphinx is the wisest of the Gods, she makes sure the other gods follows the Dark Precepts and serves as the observer of their activities. She reports her fellow Gods' schemes to Dagon. Sphinx uses an arm-mounted lion-shield/gauntlet/bazooka with a retractable blade (the "Lionic Blade"). She recommended that Ifrit be put to death for violating the Dark Precept, and she was the one who reversed Toad's spell on both Nai and Mei and Kai and Houka to make things fair and the one who drove Drake away in Stage 38 when he was about to finish off Hikaru. In Stage 46, she abducted Kai, Tsubasa, Urara, and Hikaru, and took them to her Marudeyouna world, "Sage's Night", in order to interrogate them like a true sphinx and understand how they get their power to defeat the Hades Gods in return for sending them to Titan's location. At the beginning of Stage 47, Sphinx argues with Dagon and Sleipnir, saying that the Surface World had worth, and should not be destroyed. N Ma, in turn, speaks to Sphinx through the Slab of Judgement, and commands her to carry out Divine Punishment in order to convince her that the Surface World and its inhabitants were of no worth. Soon after, she fights the Rangers, easily defeating MagiLegend and Travelion with her gauntlet. When she scolds the Rangers for thinking that they could stand up to N Ma while being so weak, Urara refuses to be intimidated, saying that, with the world at stake, they could not afford to lose. Sphinx was moved by Urara's words saying that "If feelings can influence fate...that would be a miracle", and canceled her Divine Punishment, fleeing to Sage's Night. She was then confronted and attacked by Sleipnir and Dagon, who seemingly killed her under N Ma's orders for abandoning her sacred duty for Divine Punishment. She survived the ordeal with Vancuria's ability of resurrection, then saved Miyuki from Dagon. She tried to change Dagon's ways, but had no choice but to kill him when he did not surrender peacefully. After N Ma's defeat, Sphinx became the new leader of the Infershia, ending the war between her kind and Magitopia peacefully, and she began rebuilding the Kedomono Realm after it was wrecked by N Ma's power.

[edit] Sleipnir

Hades God Sleipnir
Hades God Sleipnir

Hades God Sleipnir (冥府神スレイプニル Meifuyokushin Sureipuniru?) (35-48): Sleipnir was the most reliable of the Gods, he represents the Infershia's halberd. A knight-like demon who wields either a jousting lance or a jagged sword and a shield. Sleipner acts like a war-leader and an advisor in the Hades Gods and boasts the greatest offensive attacks of them. When the Hades Gods first appeared in Stage 35, he effortlessly blocked MagiLegend's Fire Tornado attack and defeated the impertinent MagiLegend with a single blow. His most powerful attack is the Ranging Spear Crusher where he leaps into the air and spins with his lance facing forward in a corkscrew. He arrived on the surface world in a Hades Chariot being pulled by two smaller Barikion-like horses (The first chariot was destroyed by Wolzard, but he either rebuilt it or used a new one when he attacked the city during his Divine Punishment) and battled alongside Drake in Stage 42 (he was sent by Dagon to successfully draw out Wolzard) and he ended up battling Wolkentaurus. In the end, Wolkaiser sent Sleipnir back to the Kedomono Realm. He and Dagon confronted Sphinx because of her treachery and struck her, admonishing her for talking so much and having grown tired of it. Sleipnir allowed Dagon to finish her off. After Sphinx was taken care of, Sleipnir was commanded to take up Sphinx's duty, and complete the Divine Punishment in Stage 48. Sleipnir attacked the city to draw the Magirangers out and faced them in MagiLegend. He used the Ranging Spear Crusher to easily defeat MagiLegend, but was finally destroyed when a confident Kai knocked him down and shattered his shield, and then the Rangers used the Five Fantastic Aerial Attack to kill him off. As Sleipnir died, he finally realized exactly what Sphinx said about how their power could not compare to the Magirangers' courage.

[edit] Dagon

Hades God Dagon
Hades God Dagon

Hades God Dagon (冥府神ダゴン Meifukenshin Dagon?) (35-49): Dagon was the seemingly-invincible leader of the Hades Gods and the most powerful (although he is only in the middle class Wisdom God tier, in which he is the only male member) who uses a trident called Samukama as a weapon. His head looks like an actual fish. Dagon trusts no one except for himself and N Ma, caring only about serving N Ma, and furthering his master's goals, and nothing else, not even the well-being of his fellow Hades Gods. Nai & Mea found this out to their shock when, after commanding Wyvern to slay Titan while praising him for his "special skills", and speed, Dagon then commanded Nai & Mea to follow Wyvern, and make sure that "that fool won't screw it up", as he believes in only himself and N Ma. He was the one who killed Ifrit for continuing to fight the Magirangers after the flame he lit was spent in Stage 36. Dagon also faced Wolzard's spirit in Stage 40, when Wolzard confronted him at a lake in his own Marudeyouna World. In Stage 42, he sent Sleipnir to draw out Wolzard and had Vancuria plant one of his fish scales on Wolzard during the battle to track him. In Stage 43, after Nai & Mea successfully located where Wolzard was hiding, he, along with Wyvern and Titan, went to ambush Wolzard. He was angered by the fact that N Ma's soul was contained in Wolzard's body and took personal pleasure in extracting N Ma's soul from him, as well as seemingly killing Blagel, when he created a crack in the Earth below him, which caused him to plummet to the fiery depths below. He also gave another of his scales to communicate with Vancuria, so that he had information on the situation with Wyvern and Titan, as well as giving Vancuria orders. He ambushed and killed Titan so that N Ma could be reborn in Titan's body. With Sleipnir's help, Dagon slew Sphinx when she abandoned her Divine Punishment. Dagon was confronted by MagiMother in the finale while Sleipnir faced the other Rangers, and fought her until the Rangers intervened. He attempted to blast Urara with an energy ball, but Smoky intervened and died, taking the hit for Urara. He then teleported himself and MagiMother to the Infershia lair. Dagon was surprised as well as infuriated when Sphinx arrived, alive and well. Dagon was also angered by the fact that Vancuria defied him by resurrecting Sphinx and siding with her. Even though Sphinx offered him a chance to change his ways, Dagon refused and tried to strike her down again, as Dagon only desired the power of darkness and the perfect nightmare, but Sphinx fatally blasted Dagon with her bazooka. As he died, he was left wondering whether or not the power of darkness was truly absolute as he originally thought.

[edit] See also