
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Language skill box with Babel templates:
id Pengguna merupakan penutur ibu bahasa Indonesia.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
ms-2 Pengguna ini boleh menyumbang dengan taraf yang sederhana dalam Bahasa Melayu.
jv-1 Panganggé puniki gadhah kawruh dhasar basa Jawi.

Hello evrybody!!! My name's Adit from Jakarta, Indonesia n I've joined in Indonesian Wikipedia since April 2004 - I think u'll find me there most of the times.....I love writing in wikipedia as much as I love to read it; both r just like an adventure to me.

I haven't written any article yet in this English Wikipedia but I've got some articles in the Indonesian one. Almost all of what I wrote r bout entertainment and Disney Stuffs but I also like to write about airports and airlines.

Well, If u hv something to say, just leave a message n I'll be happy to reply to u!!