Industrial Development Bank

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Industrial Development Bank is located in located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan is one of Pakistan's oldest development financing institution created with the primary objective of extending term finance for investment in the manufacturing sector of the economy. Over the years, however, the Bank has emerged as an institution fostering the growth and development of SME sector stimulating industrial progress in the rural/less developed regions of the country besides offering lucrative opportunities to the house-holds and institutions for the investment in its deposit schemes. IDBP has also become an important component of the financial sector of Pakistan and is playing an active role in money and capital market of the country.

For attaining its objectives, the Bank provides medium and long term finance in local and foreign currencies for the creation of fixed assets to new industrial projects as well as for expansion, balancing, modernisation or replacement of existing projects. It extends technical, financial and managerial advice to its clients in planning and execution of the industrial projects. It also facilitates transfer of technologies from developed countries to industrial enterprises in Pakistan.

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