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Indo may refer to the following:
- Indo (Eurasian), or sometimes Indo-European, is used to describe people of mixed European and Indonesian ancestry, in particular, people of Dutch and Indonesian ancestry.
- Indo as a prefix refers to the Indian subcontinent, the country of India, or a person or attribute thereof.
- Indology is the study of Indian and South Asian culture and history.
- Indologist refers to a scholar who studies Indian and South Asian culture and history.
- Indomania refers to a special interest in India generated in the West during the 18th and 19th centuries.
- Indophobia is the opposite of Indomania.
- Indophile may refer to someone with an interest in Indian culture and history.
- Indo-European refers to a language family and the speakers of these languages.
- Indo-Iranian refers to a branch of the Indo-European language family and the speakers of these languages.
- Indo-Aryan refers to a branch of the Indo-Iranian language family and the speakers of these languages.
- Indo may also refer to a type of Cannabis.
- INDO may refer to the largely superseded Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap semi-empirical method employed in some quantum mechanical computational chemistry calculations.