Individually Ventilated Cages

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[edit] IVC - Individually Ventilated Cages

[edit] General essay

In a laboratory animal husbandry exists several different types of deportments for the valuable animals, that depends on the hygienic status of animals. To protect animals of critical influences, like viruses and bacteria, protozoa and parasites and the klimatic influences of the environment the cage-systems have to work perfectly and should been prudently chosen. Specially hygienic states that are spefified(SPF - Specific Pathogene Free), are highly and potenionally vulnerable for every influence. Special cage-systems are often used next to miscellaneous protections to keep unwanted materials out of range.

[edit] ICV-system


The IVC-systems animals are keeped in, insulate them perfectly with HEPA-filters(High Efficiency-Particulate Air) that defend them from micropartikels. A Process of sterilisation permits the sterility of any used material, especially the cages made out of special synthetic polycarbonates. Although the physical resistance of the cages is given, at continuing sterilisation process a loss of insightfulness is unavoidable.


The Cages are constructed and designed in a specific way to ensure absolute an absolute micropartikle free inner environment. A external ventilation unit supply the cages with fresh HEPA-filtered air. The ventilation-system mostly consists of two tubes for ingoing and outgoing air.


History and Developement
