Independent American Party of Nevada

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The Independent American Party of Nevada is the Nevada affiliate of the Constitution Party. It is not to be confused with the national party of the same name.

In early 2006, members of the Nevada IAP leadership were among those publicly expressing support of these exceptions, which were contrary to the official Nevada platform. At the party's April national convention, the assembly voted not to disaffiliate Nevada, citing that affiliate's official position on the issue and national party policy against dictating the internal affairs (such as electing leaders) of any affiliate. In response, at least seven state parties (Arkansas , New York , Ohio, Oregon, Maryland, Missouri, and Montana) have formally voted to disaffiliate from the national party, believing it to have unacceptably compromised on the issue of abortion. The Missouri party has since reorganized and rejoined the national party.

[edit] 2006 Election Victories

On November 7, 2006, the IAP of Nevada had its first election victories:

  • Cel Ochoa, Counstable of Searchlight Township.[1]
  • Jackie Berg, Eureka County Clerk/Treasuer.[2]
  • Bill Wilkerson, Elko School Board, Nevada.[3]

[edit] External links