Imperial Dungeoneers
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In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, the corps of Imperial Dungeoneers handles the legions of prisoners, criminal, political, and Force-sensitive that the Empire inevitably puts its hands on. Even the most secure prison or Imperial dungeon ship needs trained specialists in incarceration to supplement the mechanical devices and the droids who manage the prisoners. Dungeoneers are rarely assigned to non-critical or unimportant prisoners- they are reserved for critical and dangerous prisoners: when the Reborn Emperor abducted the Jedi Luke Skywalker, rated no fewer than 10 Dungeoneers (and an unknown number of Imperial Sentinels and Sovereign Guards) when he was being transferred fromThe dungeoneers are specially trained and equipped for those purposes: in normal situations, they wear light trooper gear with stunner pistols and immobilizing grenades (this gear is borrowed from the Imperial Army). In threatening, high-security situations like transporting a Jedi or during a prisoner uprisings, Dungeoneers switch to blasters, riot guns, and full body armor with internal comlinks customized to transmit vital signals, and a full audio/video feed of everything the Dungeoneer sees to the central command. He is also equipped with a motion-sensor so as not to be taken unaware in the confines of ship corridors. The armor is further unique in that it requires a key to both put on and take off, and the key is never removed from the barracks; this is a further hindrance to would-be escapees. Finally, the armor usually has some air-filters built in since standard procedure in an Imperial prison calls for various neural and hallucinogenic gases to be released as a failsafe measure (light armor simply provides a breath filter, while the heavy armor's version is more akin to a spacesuit in its self-contained, independent ability) They feature an array of effective weapons such as wristbinders, neuronic whips, and high-powered blaster rifles.
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- Dark Empire, trade paperback, 1993. Tom Veitch, ISBN 1-56971-073-2
- The Dark Empire sourcebook, Wizards of the Coast, 1st edition, 1993. Horne, Michael, ISBN 0-87431-194-2